
Wind Power - What You Don't Know Might Blow You Away

Most people think that wind is our best choice for generating energy. However, that's not exactly true, and unfortunately the alternative energy global warming devout religious folks have not been entirely honest with all of us. You see, there are a number of problems with wind generation and perhaps we should discuss this for a moment.

Setting up wind towers and wind turbines, and trying to generate more and more electricity from that strategy actually degrades the reliability of our grid, and causes us to have energy shortages, perhaps even rolling blackouts. This is because the wind does not always blow, but this is only one problem with wind turbine energy, there are many more. Did you know the CO2 it takes to create the concrete base for these wind towers would take 20 years to offset per the amount of energy they create as opposed to a coal-fired plant?

Did you know that wind turbines kill birds and bats? Many of the environmentalists are looking the other way, but as soon as an oil soaked bird is seen on TV they go crazy. Did you know that the oil spill off the coast of Santa Barbara only killed 183 birds? Do you have any idea how many birds are killed every single day for wind turbines? Wind turbines also create ultra sound, and that messes up the aviation radars, and it could cause the birds we fly in to crash, or cause a midair collision. Of course, these are only a few of the problems with wind energy, but they are worth addressing.

There was an interesting Wind Generation article in the Wall Street Journal by an environmental lawyer in MA recently, Robert F Kennedy Jr. with Water Keeper Alliance Group. It was an editorial titled; "Nantucket's Wind Power Rip-Off," published on July 18, 2011. He talked about the Massachusetts NSTAR Utility Company, and how the wind-turbine deal would drastically increase energy costs unnecessarily to all the consumers and users, putting a huge burden on increased rates, and he stated; "There are vastly cheaper forms of green energy available."

Indeed, in looking at the numbers he is exactly correct, and yet, this political pet project and Global Warming Alarmism era left-over still has its roots off-shore in the waters off Cape Cod, MA. The other day, I was discussing wind energy with an inventor, engineer, and innovator from MA with a new technology which is more efficient than the slated Cape Cod wind-turbine plan, but it is still a wind-generation scheme nevertheless.

Okay so, I explained to him that I am not a big wind-guy, because I live in Palm Desert CA, and we have a lot of wind turbines here and that power doesn't amount to a hill of beans. Further, there are a good many anti-wind folks and groups popping up, and I sent him a link to the popular Wind Energy email newsletter; WindAction

Have Alternative Energy Grants for Wind Turbine Research Been Abused?

It's rather difficult for someone to say that they are against alternative energy. After all, clean energy with less pollution is more advantageous for human health, cleaner air, and an overall better environment. Indeed, let's not forget that all humans have to drink the water, and breathe the air. Therefore, even an oil executive understands that he cannot trash the environment entirely even for maximizing profits.

And, speaking of profits, and those who might call oil companies evil, I have news for you. Over the years, while running a think tank I have seen an incredible number of so-called alternative energy projects, innovations, and inventions, along with their business plans. It is amazing to me how many folks, entrepreneurs, and others try to capitalize on the grants, easy loans, and the subsidies being offered. The other day I was talking to an alternative energy innovator, and he agreed that most of these folks are complete opportunists as he stated;

"I agree that past wind projects have been too subsidized, and were intentionally bloated on the capital side and had marginal ROI's. But that holds true for many things such as ethanol, which I deplore."

Okay so, that's his comment, and I'd like to add another comment to that, and that is this; if we keep raising the price of energy in the US to fund these excursions into green tech pipe dreams, we will deplete our tax base due to economic strife, loss of heavy and light manufacturing, and small businesses, meaning no jobs for anyone, and then no one will be able to build their very cool green tech in the US, China will make it for them using our coal that we ship to Canada, and they take to Delta Port in BC and ship it to China.

Indeed, I bet you didn't know that did you? On one hand we are over regulating our coal industry, and making it tough for them to make a living, which is causing our energy prices to rise substantially. Meanwhile we are still taking the coal out of the ground and shipping it to China. The whole thing is a bad joke, and now 2% of California's air pollution comes from China all the way across the Pacific for heaven's sake. This whole BS about green tech isn't working, it's a Utopian Trap.

My innovative alternative energy genius reminds me that his new design for an offshore wind generator has the potential for an excellent return on investment. He also claims that it would not require any subsidies, and that it would be cheaper than developing more nuclear power. Indeed, I wouldn't doubt that, as right now everything is cheaper than Nuclear since President Obama has closed Yucca Mountain, and it's politically off limits, but he won't win Nevada now, after his wise cracks about Corporate parties in Vegas which killed the Casino's profits for 36-months.

It seems to me that there is far too much political pandering, and too many economic promises when it comes to alternative energy. Everyone is sitting in singing circles and talking about green energy. Unfortunately, most of it is Pie-in-the-Sky, unfeasible, and unfortunately we are wasting our time with it. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank. Lance Winslow believes writing 24,300 articles will be difficult because all the letters on his keyboard are now worn off now..

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Alternative Energy Is the Answer to Our Unemployment, Energy, and Economic Challenges

Most people believe, probably because they've heard it on TV so often that the switch to alternative energy will bring about more jobs for America. Indeed, I think it was President Obama who promised that alternative energy would create 4.5 million new jobs. The only problem with that is they will probably have to kill at least twice as many jobs to get rid of the old and bring in the new, and so I say; not so fast my friend! Be careful what you wish for because alternative energy is not the answer to our unemployment, our future energy strategy, or our economic challenges.

If you think that wind turbine energy and solar power is going to power up our entire civilization and create jobs for everyone, you aren't thinking this through. Most of the solar cells are made in China and Germany, and some in Japan. The wind turbines are made in China, and although a few components are made here, very few components are made here in the United States. Providing taxpayer money to fund alternative energy projects means we will be sending that money overseas where it will provide jobs for Germans and Chinese.

Not long ago, I was discussing this with a wind turbine innovator an inventor, who'd come up with a very cool new technology which was more efficient than the current wind generators. When I told him I was not a big fan of wind energy, he explained to me that I was living in the past, and not thinking into the future. Indeed, I've heard such comments like that recently, and I realize those are talking points for the global warming alarmists who treat it as a religion, and the alternative energy utopians. The other day on The Weather Channel they had a discussion panel, and someone said those very words.

In any case, my complaints with wind energy have to do with the unreliability of the wind to blow a constant amount, and the return on investment due to the high costs. Nevertheless, my acquaintance said; "Look to the future technologies that will come, they will be economic."

Well, I sat one day in a symposium and seminar at the local university and listened to a Nobel Prize winner go on and on about all that jazz once, he was so into wind, but his academic credentials were too stellar for him to take real questions. Just because wind energy appears to be cleaner and greener, doesn't mean it's efficient enough to power up our civilization. Further if it costs three or four times as much to power up our civilization with wind power, then our energy prices will skyrocket, and put many small businesses, light manufacturing companies, and big corporations doing manufacturing out of business completely.

Now then, perhaps those large corporations can move to China, but that's not going to provide us with any increased employment, or help us win the future. And, it simply will not help our economy a hill of beans. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank. Lance Winslow believes writing 24,300 articles will be difficult because all the letters on his keyboard are now worn off now..

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Green Innovation or Just More Hype?

Over the years, we've heard so much green innovation hype, that many people have just turned it all off. In fact, I think they've gotten to the point where they don't believe any of it, just accept all of it, or are tired of thinking about it. Am I speaking for myself? In some regards yes, but more or less this is an observation. It seems these days with all the hype for alternative energy green technology, that if anyone wishes to get any play in the media they have to shout above everyone else. Meaning they have to turn the hype on to "Turbo" mode.

Indeed, I've seen a lot of bull, a lot of projects that are merely wasting government funds or are "green-global-warming-religion" based and not viable. As the coordinator for a think tank I see 100s of business plans of pie-in-the-sky concepts that are inefficient, unviable, and merely capitalizing on the green theme, and thus, deplore the money wasted on bogus nonsense. And yes, I've seen some brilliant project ideas also, but they are far and few between of course.

The other day, I was talking to a gentleman who is an inventor and innovator in clean energy technology. He was explained to me his wonderful offshore wind generation designs. He told me that due to the fact that it was offshore quite a few miles, the wind was more constant, and therefore it could produce reliable energy. I believe he spoke of a 40% improvement in efficiency. However, what does 40% really mean?

Does he mean 40% of the average of all wind turbine generators? Or does he mean 40% more efficient than the wind turbine generators in his State of Massachusetts? Does he mean that it produces 40% more energy than other wind generators of a different type put into the same location? You see, when innovators, entrepreneurs, and alternative energy startup companies start throwing around numbers about efficiency, people ought to ask questions. I'd like to use this as another example of some of the hype in green innovation that I've noted over the last good many years.

Now then, it's the same type of hype which causes citizens who read the newspaper to fall head over heels for the future of clean energy. The reality is that all of these green innovators hype their efficiency, but when push comes to shove their innovations just can't cut the mustard. If someone starts making claims about percentages, then maybe it's time we asked for empirical evidence from their prototypes. If they say they have not completed a prototype yet, then all the numbers they spout off are highly irrelevant, and we can't take them seriously. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank. Lance Winslow believes writing 24,300 articles will be difficult because all the letters on his keyboard are now worn off now..

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Genealogy Research and Cemeteries Make Excellent Partners

ByArlen K Burden

When you visit cemeteries in Waukesha, WI there's a good chance you will come across early 19th century gravestones. The first settlers in the area date back to 1834 and they lived in peace with the Native Americans. In fact, the name of Waukesha is derived from Indian names giving a fairly exotic element to the area's history.

Anyone who studies genealogy will tell you right away that cemeteries provide a wealth of information about family names, marriages, years of birth and deaths and sometimes hints of occupations or family status in memorial headstone carvings. Families used to be buried close together also making it possible to gain new information.

In addition, when you do family history research on those buried in cemeteries in Waukesha, WI, you will find that cemetery plot locations are mentioned in written records at the county courthouse or even in family diaries and Bibles. To a professional or amateur genealogist, the cemetery is not a place of sadness but rather a place of history and information where memories of loved ones are preserved for future generations.

Snapping Pictures and Rubbings

There are now two primary methods used by people to document their finds in the graveyard. The first method is possible because of electronics. You can take pictures of headstones with your cell phone or digital video cameras and then post those pictures online so others can take advantage of your research.

There are also many genealogists who still take headstone rubbings using fabric and rubbing wax. Though you can take pictures of the headstones, those images may not reveal worn ornamental patterns or details. It's a shame to lose the details on gravestones due to normal weathering because they are irreplaceable. Early headstones made before 1900 are often well worn because they are made from easily eroded sandstone. After the 1900s, granite was used more often, and granite is extremely durable.

Knowledgeable Staff Can Help

Waukesha, WI residents interested in genealogical research should first visit with cemetery personnel before wandering the graveyard. There's a good chance the staff can provide either information about the various graves of interest or can do in-depth research. It's important to give the staff some advance warning so researchers can check written and computerized records. When you are doing family research possibly covering 177 years, it takes a lot of time and effort to check resources for more details about the people buried in the cemeteries.

The staff working at cemeteries in Waukesha, WI is happy to help though. They don't see their jobs as the keepers of the deceased. They are the keepers of proof that family members lived and worked and died in the area. It's an important role they play that genealogists appreciate because it makes their research much easier.

If you are interesting in doing family research in the cemeteries of Waukesha, WI, first contact the staff. You can get valuable information that leads you right to the graves of interest. All the information you glean from their records after that can be used to trace your family connections through historical records.

If you are interested to know something more about Cemeteries, Waukesha WI and Cremation, Waukesha WI then please visit our website

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Wind Farms and Solar Power in Australia

Global warming, energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions are issues that have suddenly loomed over Australia in the recent years. It is one of the leading emitters of greenhouse gases in the world. Experts say that it is one country that is faced with the highest risks of global warming. To date, the Land Down Under has made its federal and local government groups formulate and implement programs to help decrease the impact of global warming. It continues to urge major energy companies like Origin, Energy Australia and AGL for electricity plans and renewable energy initiatives across the country. Wind farms and solar power technology are renewable power sources being developed with the support of energy companies in Australia.

Wind farms located in agricultural areas are among the most environmentally friendly energy sources. While they do consume energy during their construction, greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution are very minimal in that particular phase. With an operational lifetime of up to a maximum of 25 years, wind farms are compatible with farming and grazing. Also, the modern wind turbines used in these energy source farms are proven not hazardous to birds since they rotate slowly and silently.

The Government and energy suppliers have become careful in addressing and consulting local communities about building wind farms to eliminate objections to this type of energy source. Issues raised by locals in the past were related to landscape, aesthetic and heritage concerns. However, these objections are being gradually replaced by nods, since locals are beginning to realize the serious risks of climate change and the urgency to fight it.

A solar power system enables photovoltaic panels to generate electricity from sunlight. This, in turn, is used to give power to your electronic equipment and appliances at home. It can also be sent to the electric grid. Solar power has the ability to help you have lower electricity consumption from the grid, which usually means lower electricity bills.

Solar energy production is considered to be well-suited in Australia. With its dry climate and latitude, it receives insulation far more than the average amount received by countries in Europe and North America. Australia's insulation values are similar to those of desert environments in southwest USA, Mexico, and northern and southern Africa.

The Australian Government commits to supporting homes and various establishments to use solar energy through different assistance programs, such as the Solar Credits Program for private homes and community buildings and grants to build solar panels for schools. Also encouraging individuals and businesses to use solar power for less consumption of electricity are AGL, Energy Australia, Origin and other energy retailers. They introduce programs and offers of their own to influence people into choosing energy efficiency, sustainable power and other means to help decrease the effects of climate change.

AGL electricity, one of Australia's largest energy suppliers, is committed to renewable energy programs and generates its own green power through wind and hydro electric schemes. Know more about AGL and the benefits of switching energy suppliers through Switchwise.

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High Density Compact Cities

High Density Compact City is being touted as the model for sustainable living. Planners envisage smaller, high density cities that will reduce the spatial extension of cities; create places where people can live closer to work, relying less on environmentally damaging methods of transportation, and reducing the collective carbon footprint.

This latest model of planning arose as a critique of the superfluous approach to city planning adopted by the proponents of the Garden City Movement; under which rapid development resulted in urban sprawl causing increased car-dependency and irreparable environmental damage. Proponents of compact cities, such as Jane Jacobs, have long argued that compact and high density configurations yield the critical mass of people that is capable of supporting businesses, better infrastructures and more vibrant communities.

The Compact City model promises to solve many if not all of these issues and even enhance our quality of life in the city. It is a model that is relatively realistic with regards to population expansion and it is strongly anchored in the economics of agglomeration. It functions on the basis that the higher the population density confined in a small space, the lower the budget for transportation infrastructures (public transport, parking, roads etc...). The close proximity also allows the easy provision of efficient waste, water and electrical infrastructures. In addition, close proximity will allow both businesses and residents to better reap the fruits of agglomeration saving on transport cost and time while benefiting from the best services. These massive savings will then be re-channeled in upgrading facilities and enhancing living quality.

As compared to previous planning models, the compact city model does not attempt to consciously limit the population of a certain area, it is by default a high-density development. Nor does it persist in defining and segregating zones of activities. The limited availability of land calls for a mixed-use approach with a mixed of commercial, residential, institutional and recreational facilities. Zoning if it is still applied may no longer be planar.

However, with such reductions in land-take in mind and the continued migration of the population from rural to urban areas, it is expected that building and people density at the heart of the city will more-or-less double in the next few decades. How will our planners deal with this sudden influx? Are out cities ready for the Compact City model?

As concerned citizens, unless this model is proven, we have the rights to doubt the above-mentioned promises. Growing cities such as Mumbai, Delhi, Jakarta and Brasilia are currently struggling to cope with their current population influx, suffering from over-crowdedness, lack of basic facilities and infrastructures, rising crime rate leading to insecurity and insufficient housing all of which are further exacerbated by relic administrative procedures, political and social turmoil, and above all, the inability to realistically predict their future situation. However, we should also recognize that these cities were not prepared and now face difficulties to adapt to that kind of density.

The Compact City poses itself as a resilient model capable of adapting to sudden economic and demographic fluctuations. However, in order to prepare for such drastic changes, growing cities need realistic planning. Being realistic in the forecast of population is a key element in the success of planning. The lack of clear vision and the ability to foresee and plan for realistic growth is what has hindered the ability of these cities to adapt. Realistic figures are required to help define priorities and prevent incoherent piece-meal development.

Nicolas writes on challenges facing urbanism, urban planning and urban policies in Asian cities.

Visit his website at where he observes and reviews emerging trends and ideas towards sustainable urban forms, green building design, efficient mobility systems, quality urban living and eco-sustainability.

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Why Is Telecom Critical To Rwanda's Development?

The continent of Africa is on the move. In the '80s the world saw the development of the Asian Tigers. These were Asian developing economies that adopted an export led strategy that created a thriving middle class. Today, we have the appearance of the "African Gorillas". The African Gorillas are African nations that are adopting export led market economies. These new economies have an excellent chance of influencing the globalized economy in a positive way. What are the things that the African Gorillas must do to develop market economies and get them away from foreign aid? A powerful telecom industry is a must have.

One of the nations at the forefront of African development is Rwanda. This is a nation that has a sordid past, but now has a forwarding looking President. President Paul Kagame has created strong ties to the West. He understands that the only hope for his country is a strategy of job creation. The only way that Rwanda and the rest of Africa can be stabilized is if there is strong, vibrant, well-educated middle-class that has significant jobs that pay well that come from the private sector.

Rwanda is a perfect example of what can happen to a society when there is no economic stability. In 1994, Rwanda suffered one of the biggest genocides in the world's history. In one month, 1/8 of its population was massacred. President Kagame understands that Rwanda must grow its economy, create opportunities for higher wages that will create the conditions for trust, tolerance, and optimism.

To do this, President Kagame has traveled extensively in the U.S. and developed close ties with significant American businessman that want to assist Rwanda in its development. There are certain key metrics that President Kagame should key on.

President Kagame must develop a vibrant telecom industry. Rwanda is an underdeveloped nation. President Kagame must work within his limitations. The western development of a specialized, simplified smart phone is a must. Rwandan entrepreneurs must have a simplified means to connect to the rest of the world, with an easy to navigate dashboard.

Rwanda must develop the strong, wireless networks in which the entire country can be always connected to one another. A smart phone is a computer in your pocket. Using the United States as a bench mark it can be easily understood why telecom is absolutely critical to the development of Rwanda and the rest of the African Gorillas.

In the U.S. 90% of Americans are within 3 feet of their telephones, 24 hours a day. The phone is always on. With a smart phone Rwandans can communicate in real time. This is critical in an agricultural economy. With real time communication, Rwandan farmers know which markets will give the best prices on a daily basis. They will know what the weather forecast will be, so that they can plan their planting accordingly. They can communicate with many banks to get the best price on a loan for new equipment.

President Kagame has a special advisory council to help in Rwanda's development strategy. This council is made up of 10 successful businessmen and academics, including Sir Tony Blair. One of the most important members of this council is Scott Ford, former CEO of Alltel.

Alltel is now part of Verizon. During Mr. Ford's watch, Alltel developed a powerful, wireless network to mostly rural, wireless customers---the same demographic that makes up most of present day Rwanda.

Dean Hambleton


What Is Innovation And How Do You Achieve It?

At the present time, the continent of Africa is on the move economically. It is attempting to move from being an emerging market to being a middle class economy. Africa has the desire to be a significant player in the globalized economy. We are seeing the emergence of the African Gorillas.

If this is going to happen, African is going to need entrepreneurs to create jobs. Jobs are the key to Africa's development. Foreign aid has a chilling effect on a society. It makes a nation and a people dependent. When people are gainfully employed, if frees them. This is why jobs are so critical to the development of Africa. Innovation is the key to development of Africa.

Let's just ask a basic question, "What is innovation"? "How is it achieved?" Innovation is the creating of "cool stuff". This cool stuff is both necessary and unnecessary. Some things are cool, but not necessary, like jewelry or fashion, but they are nice thing to have.

Innovation is the bringing to life of Robert Kennedy's quote, "People see things and ask 'why' and "how" and "can we, I wonder". An innovator will see things and ask 'why not'. To create innovation, you also have to create a culture for it.

Innovation is the outdoing of the competition. Innovation does create competitive advantage for both a company, and also for a continent, such as Africa.

To be entrepreneurial, you must constantly engender new ideas. Good ideas happen whenever you have thinking people. How are they created? Receptiveness and reward are ways to engage people to give their best and feel they have a stake in the company. Through ideas, people challenge one another in a way that is not overwhelming. A leader will inspire competition and inspiration by showing their confidence that each person in the organization can express creativity in his or her own way. This new idea may be in product design, product usage. It may be in anything that involves the organization.

Innovation is mostly done by seeing how people use the product. Creativity and innovation is "hands-on" but it is also "hands off". It is observing "what works" and "what doesn't work". It is about honesty, and the foregoing of silos.

There is a "gotta". You "gotta" have a culture for this to work. You have to encourage people to discover new things, to see things differently. People in a professional culture have to be open to new things. Creativity takes leadership. Creativity is not just allowing people in an organization to just go off in their own direction. There must be at least some "adult supervision" for creativity to be developed.

You "gotta" allow people to make mistakes, because they will. You are dealing with new things. When something is new, no one really knows if the thing will work.

In creating a culture for creativity, the wisdom of crowds is imperative. Through encouraging employees and their ideas, you get a grassroots intelligence network. Employees will focus on new things in that are in marketplace. They and their work teams will talk about them, discuss their advantages and shortcomings, test them, play with them...and then wonder, "What can we do that is better?" From these discussions, new products will be developed. A benchmark for innovative companies is Google. They are encouraged to think of new things. These new things are discussed. They are then developed and created. Google Maps was created in this manner.

Dean Hambleton

Benefits of a Wood Burner Energy Solution

Green energy production is expected to be a multi-billion dollar industry by 2013 and the general outlook of the future appears to be green due to pressure by lobby groups and investors would do well to invest wisely in this trend.

Wood burners, in particular, can lower dependency on conventional energy installations as the cheapest form of biofuel is notably wood which costs less. Wood logs are most commonly used but pellets and chips are also available. The "zone heating" of these burners also allows users to heat an area and let the rest of the house be cooler. In effect, you don't waste energy heating areas you are not using.

The manufacturers of wood burners spend huge amounts of resources on designers and that engineers to ensure that they get maximum heating efficiency, as well as maintaining particle emissions at all-time lows. Many households with heating systems are aware that even though the thermostats say we are supposed to be comfortable, the contrary is proven to be true. The radiant heat of a wood burner warms in a way that hot air systems cannot emulate.

The green aspect is self explanatory. Wood is a renewable and easily obtainable source for burning. Wood is carbon neutral. It absorbs as much carbon dioxide in its growth as it releases when its burnt. Medical Research by the Solid Fuel Association have demonstrated that people living in houses with solid fuel heating are significantly less likely to suffer from asthma and hay fever compared to those living in houses with other forms of heating.

Wood burning water heaters can be incredibly energy efficient as well. It is estimated that traditional electric of gas heaters devour 25 - 50% of an average home's energy consumption. The water tank capacity allows less water to be processed through the unit at any given time. While conventional geysers store up and heat large quantities of water, a wood burning option creates less hot water and lessens the need for a higher amount of conventional energy. The heated water produced by the wood burner typically runs hotter than more standard varieties. Since the tank is usually fairly small, it does not take a long time to heat and a constant stream of wood is not necessary to maintain the temperature. Furthermore, wood burners can be installed as a primary or secondary heat source for a home. Now if only this basic technology be functional with the minimal use of wood.

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What Is Creativity And How Does This Create Innovative People?

Africa is in the process of evolving from an emerging economy to a middle class market economy. For this to happen, Africa must have creative and innovative entrepreneurs to build Africa's economy. Creativity is the finding of a solution to a problem that was formerly, seemingly unattainable.

To make Africa into a thriving, market economy would seem to be an insurmountable task. Creative and innovative entrepreneurs that create legitimate jobs can do this.

Let's think about creativity and how it creates innovative people. Creativity is important because it demands innovative people. Innovative people have the ability to connect a group of different things, different groups of information, and then place this information into a logical, understandable whole.

The ability to innovate is the culmination of many experiences. What makes innovators different? Harvard researchers spent 6 years and interviewed three thousand executives to find out. The number one skill that separates innovators from noncreative professional is "associating". Associating is the ability to successfully connect seemingly unrelated questions, problems, or ideas from different fields. The more diverse our experience and knowledge, the more connections the brain can make. Fresh inputs trigger new associations. The new associations lead to new, innovative solutions to problems.

When you ask creative people how they did something they feel a little guilty because they didn't really do it; they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while. That's because they were able to connect experiences they've had and synthesize new things. The reason they were able to do that was that they've had more experiences or they had thought more about their experiences than other people.

Unfortunately, creativity is too rare a commodity. A lot of people haven't had very diverse experiences. So they don't have enough dots to connect, and they end up with very specific solutions to the problem. The broader one understands the human experience, the more creativity they will have.

The ability to create is based on experience from a great many different sources. You draw on those diverse experiences and then you bring the whole together. Highly creative people are skilled at making associations, connecting seemingly unrelated things. Most important very creative people make a conscious decision to do so. They don't always know where the dots will connect, but they are confident that they will.

At the present time, Africa is in the process of evolving from being an emerging market into becoming a middle class economy. How can this be done? It would seem out of the question that a continent such as Africa could even think of joining the family of nations as a legitimate player. Social media has changed all that.

Social media is the creation of engaging content that another group of people would want. What is needed is a platform. We live in a world of the smart phones. In the world that we live in, a creative African fashion designer could very easily create African dresses that are desired by Western audiences. She could place these designs on YouTube, and be an overnight (literally) success. A scenario that I have stated is not out of the question.

Dean Hambleton

Innovation Skill Set: What Is Questioning And Why Is It Important?

To create innovation, we should always ask questions. Questions challenge the status quo, and this keeps our thinking fresh. It helps us notice changes in the market and questions allow us to respond to the market in real time. A basic question that can save many companies is, "Why do we do it like this". To become a great innovator, Robert Kennedy's question should be rephrased, "Our competitor's look at the process and say 'why'. We should look at the process and say 'why not---what is stopping us'?

There is a power in provocative questions. Many times a basic question unlocks truths that were not thought and which creates products and brands that were even on the radar screen. In 2001, General Electric was a consumer goods organization whose products and markets had matured. This was a critical juncture for GE. Jeffrey Immelt asked a basic question, "can we create dominate brands and strong, reliable revenue streams from markets of scarcity". He commissioned an intense study to investigate the market potential of sources of energy and products from the sun, wind, and water. General Electric discovered that these sources of energy, from avenues of 'scarcity', could create billion dollar revenue streams for G.E. Ecomagnation is a strategy that is not only creating billions in new revenue, but it is also creating massive amounts of good will for General Electric, as it creates jobs in the nations of emerging markets.

Jeffrey Immelt is a benchmark for what a great innovator is and does. An innovator constantly asks questions that challenge conventional wisdom. To be an innovator, you have to upset the status quo. The GE board originally voted down ecomagnation because they felt that GE could never make money at it. An innovator thinks about how to change the world that exists. Mr. Immelt observed. Mr. Immelt asked basic questions.

Questions to ask are "Why", "Why not", and "what if". Most managers' concentrate on existing production processes. Innovators challenge the assumptions. Cloud computing is becoming an important technology. A manager asked a basic question, "Why are we uploading software, when it can be done over the Internet".

Innovators intentionally come from an opposite direction. To be an innovator you must ask yourself a bunch of questions that are not conventional, as Jeffrey Immelt did. These questions may create a radically different alternative than the conventional means that have been in use. As in the case of GE, the following step after asking questions may create some critical new insights. These are insights that lead to large, new revenue streams, new markets, and new brands.
We compose restraints on our thinking when forced to deal with real-world limitations, such as resource allocations or technology restrictions. Great questions actively loose constraints on our thinking and serve as a motivation for out-of-the-box insights. As Google likes to say, "Creativity loves constraints." The constraints make us think of new ways that create new value propositions that our competitors can't match. General Electric's markets were mature. Where was new revenue going to come from? The constraints of the market created billion dollar revenue streams.

Dean Hambleton

Content Cleaner: Purchasing Less Harmful Solvent Products

ByTimothy Byron

Many elements must be considered before a business can purchase a new content solvent. A typical company needs a sufficient amount of cleaner in stock to tackle daily cleaning chores, and an industrial cleaning solution can handle any task. Content cleaners can affect business processes, employee health, company funds, and the reputation of being environmentally friendly.

Selecting the wrong solvent directly affects multiple aspects of a business. Employees can suffer from short or long term health complications. Too much money could be spent on an ineffective degreaser or other form of cleaning solvent. Solutions leaving large amounts of waste create extensive disposal costs. The Environmental Protection Agency, or EPA, has various regulations involving these solutions that should be kept in mind while an industrial strength cleaner is being selected for business use.

Industrial Degreaser: Key Selection Elements for Safety and Performance

The strength of an industrial degreaser weighs as a factor on the final purchasing decision. It is best to first determine the strength needed for the tasks it will perform. Solvents are designed to accomplish cleaning on certain materials and under specific conditions. Trichloroethylene is a chlorinated solution that can be used to strip paint, buff compounds, or remove varnish, but does not work as well for washing metals. Methylene chloride is a better choice for degreasing devices that respond to temperature changes. The solution must match the job and provide enough strength to get it done right. These particular solvents are not environmentally friendly; however, alternative products are available to reduce environmental harm. Choose a sufficient traditional solution and then locate a friendlier alternative.

An industrial degreaser can release two types of harmful compounds, and both can directly affect the health of those working with or around these chemicals. The released compounds may be inhaled as they enter the air. A person can experience breathing complications, nausea, or feeling lightheaded. Long-term exposure has been linked to nerve damage and cancer.

Hazardous Air Pollutants, or HAPs, could result in financial complications due to worker illness lawsuits and pose direct harm to the environment. Some eco-friendly solvents release a different type of compound into the air called a Volatile Organic Compound, or VOC. VOCs are not dangerous to the atmosphere, but pose the same harmful effects to employees. In some instances, an eco-friendly cleaner with this compound is necessary to perform cleaning appropriately. If a cleaner containing these compounds must be purchased, select an eco-friendly solution with the lowest possible amount of VOCs.

Other considerations before purchasing include flashpoint and biodegradability. Flashpoint is a measurement of when a solvent could ignite. The cleaning environment and purpose will determine how important this measurement is to an industrial cleaning environment. Vapor degreasing and other processes need a solution with an increased flashpoint. Biodegradable solutions create less waste, reducing the cost of cleanup.

Before purchasing, remember to include strength, compound release, flashpoint, and biodegradable properties into the final decision. This will ensure the most efficient and safe content cleaner is chosen for its intended purpose.

Organic agents are an available choice to companies seeking content cleaners. Solvent strength, harmful compounds, and biodegradability should be at the top of industrial degreaser concerns.

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Learning About Non-Organic Solvent Products and Their Dangers

ByTimothy Byron

A solvent can be any liquid or solid that dissolves another solute. Solution products are soluble in certain amounts and under specific temperatures. Many businesses use industrial solvent products to clean parts, machines, and in refinishing processes. Organic solvents have become more common because they are better for the environment. Common examples include dry cleaning solutions, paint thinner, glue agents, detergents, and spot removers. Less intense versions are typically used in the home, while more concentrated cleaners are needed for industrial use.

The evaporation rate of these substances often depends on environmental temperature. A low boiling solvent such as diethyl either will evaporate quickly when a small amount is applied under regular room temperatures. Higher boiling substances must have more intense temperatures, certain airflow, and possibly a vacuum application to evaporate quickly. Flammability is determined by the volatility of the solution. In some instances, the right mixture of these chemicals can cause an explosion. It is important to use appropriate chemicals along with proper handling for prevention of chemical reactions.

Most Used Forms of Industrial Degreasers or Cleaners

Industrial degreasers are common in many work environments. Usage of these solvents is important because their vaporization, flammability, and additional properties can harm those who must use them or work in their general vicinity. Common solvents can be found in various cleaning products. Prolonged exposure to these solutions may cause health problems, such as organ damage or long-term health conditions.

The Environmental Protection Agency regulates use of these substances to protect both the environment and individuals. The harmful effects of cleaning agents have led to organic substitutes that reduce or eliminate the amount of compounds released into the air. Hazardous Air Pollutants are released into the atmosphere and can be inhaled by unsuspecting individuals.

Safe alternative materials exist, and are free of these compounds and are completely benign to the environment. Organic solvents discharge Volatile Organic Compounds that are harmful to people, despite having the organic label. Alternatives with minimal to no VOCs are now available to reduce these effects.

Five common industrial degreasers can be found in business settings. Trichloroethylene is a metal cleaner that can also be used for spot treating. It is not flammable, but the chemical can be inhaled or absorbed into the body. Extensive inhalation may cause heart, liver, and brain problems. Other side effects include nausea or headaches. Perchloroethylene has various applications, with one of the most prominent being dry cleaning. It can also be used as a metal cleaning agent or a lubricant. The synthetic solvent is not flammable, but can be inhaled. Methylene Chloride is a paint-stripping agent that can also clean metals. Isoparaffinic solvent products are fabricated solutions used for degreasing.

These oil-based cleaners are odorless and less toxic, and only extensive exposure causes significant side effects in humans. Finally, modified alcohols can be implemented for metal cleaning or degreasing. The EPA has approved these alcohols as an alternative to other cleaning agents because of their low toxicity. Prolonged exposure to any of these substances is dangerous. Businesses can purchase organic alternatives that are both safer for their workers and cost effective.

Solvent products are used for various types of business cleaning applications. Industrial degreasers may be replaced with safer alternatives such as organic cleaning agents.

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Safe Industrial Solvents: Why Are They Being Provided?

ByTimothy Byron

Safe cleaning solutions are essential in every workplace. Industrial solutions are highly useful for the removal of grime, dirt, grease, and oil. Solvents are a common chemical found in many business settings. They can be hazardous when the appropriate cautionary measures are not taken. Some are still dangerous, even under the right environmental conditions. These liquid substances dissolve various materials to clean surfaces. Typical applications include vapor degreasing, removal of corrosion, and heavy duty cleaning.

Many businesses rely on industrial cleaning chemicals to perform daily processes or keep machines operating efficiently. Consumers use less toxic solvents such as alcohol or acetone because they have minimal effects in small doses, but could pose severe harm to individuals if large amounts are used by various industries. Safe industrial solvents are an option being provided to companies that typically use cleaning agents to operate their business.

Organic Solvents Eliminate Many Health Problems Caused by Toxic Substances

Organic solvents have been designed to reduce the hazards commonly associated with agents such as trichloroethylene. Common agents are known for resulting in many health conditions if used inappropriately. Inhalation, direct eye contact, and skin absorption all provide medical complications. Eye contact with more toxic substances causes irritation, symptoms of pink eye, and in extreme cases could result in loss of sight. These substances can be absorbed through an individual's skin. A worker may be allergic to a solution or get too much into their blood stream. Skin rashes or burns are a sign of this problem. Workers who inhale or swallow a cleaning solution are the largest concern.

An agent will typically evaporate quickly, leaving no trail of its presence. Inhaled chemicals work through the blood stream at a fast pace. Initial signs are a headache, dizziness, upset stomach, drowsiness, and an irritated throat. Prolonged inhalation can be quite dangerous, even fatal, to internal organs. Certain solvents have been directly associated with cancer. Fire, pollution, and explosions are additional concerns when handling industrial cleaners.

Solvents are regulated by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the Environmental Protection Agency. OSHA standards require businesses to inform all employees of possible hazards associated with the chemicals they handle. Every substance must have a label with handling instructions and potential risks. Each company using them must also provide training to their employees. The EPA also regulates these substances to protect the environment. Regulations attempt to reduce the use of harmful chemicals.

Organic solvents can reduce some of the OSHA and EPA requirements put on a business using these substances. They provide the same cleaning power without the high risk of health problems. Volatile Organic Compounds are one concern any business should have when selecting an agent. Products with lower VOCs are available and reduce overall toxicity. These chemicals are less flammable, offer reduced harm to the surface being cleaned, and do not have the intense handling risks. Businesses are turning to safe industrial solvents to prevent the aftereffects of using extremely toxic cleaning chemicals.

Health problems are a top reason for any business to consider switching to safe industrial solvents. Organic solvents clean effectively without harming people or the environment.

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Industrial Solvents: Safer Alternatives for Businesses

ByTimothy Byron

Industrial agents are sometimes used to extract a liquid from surfaces. Solvents can be found in automotive, manufacturing, and contracting industries. Industrial solvents are designed for heavy duty removal. They are typically more toxic than what might be seen in a home environment. Liquid extraction is a process that separates liquids through solubility. This can be accomplished through a chemical reaction in a laboratory setting or by dissolving one substance into another. Solvent extraction is another name for this process when referring to surface or equipment cleaning.

Usage of solvents is common in multiple processing industries as well as others. Distribution ratios are quoted to inform handlers of dissolving measurements. Several elements assist with the determination of this ratio, including temperature and chemical makeup. Not all solvents require a chemical reaction to absorb or remove the desired substance. Some can be directly absorbed without any other process taking place. What must be used by a business environment greatly depends on the type of cleaning being performed.

Degreasers: What Are the Choices?

Degreasers are used to extract materials on a smaller scale. They can be found in aviation, electronic, maintenance, manufacturing, military, and energy environments. Environmentally safe alternatives are available for these industries. Contact cleaners, semi-aqueous solvents, surface preparation, and cleaning agents for specific parts all have organic counterparts that provide safer usage along with less environmental harm.

Non-organic agents have been used for a long time. The risks of these chemicals have become more apparent with their popularity growth. Due to health problems stemming from environmental contamination, older products are slowly making an exit. Organic solvents are an alternative provided by solution manufacturers. Businesses are finding they are highly effective and cost less. They do not harm the materials being cleaned, as opposed to traditional cleaners. Products with lower volatile compound levels provide safer working conditions.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to find an effective non-hazardous chemical. Many providers recommend following a scale to avoid using a more toxic chemical than is necessary. By finding ways to keep the part cleaner, cleaning can be minimal or eliminated. Water-based agents are effective in some instances and work well when combined with high pressure cleaning. Non-halogenated degreasers or non-ozone depleting agents are the next best option. The versatility of available options makes it easier for a business to choose the safest agent possible for a cleaning solution.

Many industries cannot do without industrial solvents because machines and parts naturally get dirty. Today, these industries can choose between safer alternatives designed to clean parts, without the high risk. A reduced toxicity product can be applied through typical methods, such as splash or immersion cleaning. Vapor or steam degreasing can also be completed with these products. They require a smaller amount of ventilation, are easier to dispose, and offer the same efficiency.

Volatile organic compounds might not be avoidable with these substances; however, a company can select a less volatile cleaner capable of completing the cleaning. Artificial solvents are not the only option businesses have these days. Multiple industries are considering stepping away from traditional substances to increase the safety of their operations.

Newer options to common industrial solvents are obtainable by businesses today. These degreasers and solutions provide more cleaning benefits, along with reduced usage expenses.

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Low VOCs: Why Seek These Cleaners Over Others?

ByTimothy Byron

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are chemicals released during use of cleaning solvents or other substances. Solutions may be found in working environments where paint stripping, metal degreasing or spot treatment is performed. These solutions have gone through many changes due to Environmental Protection Agency or EPA recognition of significant negative impacts on humans and the environment. Traditional solvents emitted hazardous vapors into the air during their evaporation process. These were bad for the atmosphere and were found to cause health problems when inhaled or absorbed through the skin. Companies begin creating organic substitutes to eliminate hazardous air pollutants. These products introduced a new concern called low volatile compounds. Their release does not affect the atmosphere but does still cause medical side effects when exposure is high. Businesses can better protect themselves when a solution with low VOCs is substituted. Many products provide the same cleaning power and benefits. They are safer to use in any industrial environment.

Industrial Solvent: Debunking Common Beliefs about Going Organic

The production of traditional industrial solvents has slowed due to the possible health effects and legal liabilities. Organic alternatives make their use less desirable in most industries today. Even the military has eliminated their presence for most processes. Chemical waste from these substances can contaminate water and soil within the immediate area. These contaminations have been linked to public health problems. Organic alternatives may be biodegradable, produce less waste, and are typically only dangerous if VOC count is high. Previous environmental issues are eliminated with organic solvents. They also greatly reduce the health risks posed to people using them.

Making the switch to a safer industrial solvent is not always easy for industrial industries. They tend to stick with what they have because of their supplier relationships, performance history, and the common belief these substances do the job better. If a business has worked with a specific supplier for years, they are most likely receiving pricing deals. Switching to an unknown supplier is scary because these businesses do not know what to expect. Traditional solvents have a history for reliability. This puts the dependability of organic solvents in question to most businesses. Companies also believe traditional degreasers as more effective. They think these substances kill more germs and remove grease easier.

Organic solvents with low VOCs are just as cost effective and reliable. Cleaning product manufacturers offer substitutes that are not only safer but perform equally if not better than the more traditional solvents. A company that makes this switch voluntarily can avoid the mandatory changes continually put into effect by the EPA. Many harsh chemicals continue to be outlawed in the industry due to their dangers. Organic agents reduce part corrosion, reserve part quality, and are less toxic. Companies continuing the use of traditional agents should consider these benefits. While it is always good to keep up supplier relations, many businesses are missing out on improved products with multiple benefits. Considering what can be implemented as a substitute to harmful chemicals used in every day processes could be very valuable to any business.

Cleaners with low VOCs have many benefits to handlers and the environment. Companies must get past their common misconceptions to see the advantages of an organic industrial solvent.

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Degreasing Cleaner: Why Should a Business Switch to Lower Toxicity Products?

ByTimothy Byron

Degreasing is a vital process in most industries because it allows workers to remove unwanted particles from product parts or machinery. A strong cleaner is needed to eliminate stains or buildup on items used in various manufacturing facilities or automotive processes. Industrial strength cleaners are also found in restaurants, dry cleaning businesses, and in any setting where paint or varnish films must be removed. They are a versatile product businesses rely on to handle heavy duty cleaning.

A degreasing cleaner is a solution that can eradicate oil, dirt, grease, or other impurities from the surface of an item. Unique properties allow the product to accomplish removal quite easily. Degreasers intended for industrial use are specifically designed for oil or grease. They assist in cleaning part creation equipment or the manufactured parts themselves. Ordinary cleaners do not have the chemical properties or strength to accomplish this industry task.

Industrial Solvents: Benefits of Switching to Organic Solutions

The use of industrial solvents until recent years has resulted in the release of harmful compounds. Organic products are being manufactured to meet increased concern for the environment, public health, and worker safety. After years of use, many businesses have recognized the reverse effects of using more toxic chemicals for this purpose. Common agents cause additional corrosion and markings on the metal. The resulting damage made these chemicals less cost effective. Health problems appeared, resulting from workers being in direct contact with the chemicals and their released vapor compounds.

Repairs caused delays in productivity, thus leading to financial losses. Compound releases harm the atmosphere and must be handled correctly to prevent health conditions. The enclosed environment requires certain factors for use. Inappropriate temperatures, bad ventilation, or other factors increased the risk of implementing these agents. Multiple complications left many businesses desiring better ways to perform cleaning. Manufacturers are moving toward organic agents as a way to meet their consumer demands. These alternatives are safer to use and are eco-friendly.

The Environmental Protection Agency, or EPA has also boosted the demand for less harmful industrial solvents. Initiatives, such as "Going Green," have put businesses in the spotlight for more environmentally conscious practices. The EPA has set forth many regulations in an attempt to reduce the environmental harm posed by these substances. The regulations prohibit or restrict use of certain hazardous chemicals. Most new chemicals being offered today are nontoxic or have minimal toxicity levels. A large majority are also biodegradable and not as flammable.

As companies switch to safer products, they often experience rewarding cost savings. Organic based cleaners do not harm metal, leading to a reduction in part repairs and replacements. High flash-points in organic solvents decrease flammability, and allergic reactions and health problems are eliminated when implemented. Reduction of skin irritations or other conditions leads to lower insurance costs. Facilities using organic substitutes can save money and are able to provide a safer working environment without experiencing less effective cleaning. Any company not receiving these benefits should evaluate their current degreasing cleaner to determine if a better option is available.

Industrial solvents are made available for safer chemical cleaning processes. A low toxicity degreasing cleaner provides significant cost savings along with many safety benefits.

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Recycled Plastic Products

ByJiani Smith

Manufacturing goods from recycled materials has become much more possible in the last decade. The look and quality of these goods is often vastly improved because of new technology available. One area where recycling has significantly developed is plastics.

Recycled plastics are now robust with an excellent appearance and finish. Many plastic products are not only made from reclaimed materials but can also often be recycled themselves when disposed of, which is good for the environment as there is an ongoing chain of recycling.

Most importantly, using recycled plastic helps people support the environment by reducing landfill. It helps organisations meet their environmental targets in a world where sustainability is an increasingly important part of procurement.

There are many other benefits for businesses too. Companies that are seen to use recycled materials are seen as ethical by the public and their customers. This product is also an economical choice because it is a very reasonably priced material and lasts for a long time.

This plastic can even be manufactured to have different surface effects and mock other materials. For instance, timber effect plastic has a grained finish to look like wood. The grain also allows these signs to look natural and so blend into the environment.

Timber effect plastic is ideal for things like signs which are often exposed to the elements; as it is weather resistant, non-biodegradable and UV stable. The versatility of the material also allows it to be cut and manufactured in the exact same way as timber.

The plastic for these signs is commonly made from plastic that was originally non-biodegradable, like polystyrene. Items such as polystyrene cups and hangers are difficult to dispose of, so turning them into other recycled products is a perfect solution.

Wayfaring and countryside signs are often made from recycled plastic because it is maintenance free, rot proof and insect proof. These signs need to be robust as they are often in rural areas where they cannot be checked and maintained regularly.

The clarity of colour and high-resolution print possible for the display area of recycled plastic signs is fantastic. This also can be done at a fraction of the cost of more traditional signage. The signs can also be coated to further maintain their durability.

Recycled plastic can be used for notice boards, welcome signs, information displays, maps, lectern signs and interpretation displays. So if you are looking for a signage material that is very strong, lasts for years and also looks visually attractive - recycled plastic is the perfect solution.

Fitzpatrick Woolmer produce a range of recyled plastic products such as signage. They are manufacturers of recycled timber effect plastic and can make signs to order from this material. For examples of the types of recycled plastic signs they offer visit

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Can We Take an Old Skimmer Aircraft and Fly It On Free H2 Fuel?

Perhaps you are unaware but where the ocean meets the air there is a transition area, a very thin layer of atmosphere where the molecules are breaking apart from H2O, into oxygen and hydrogen. At that point there is three times as much H2 as there is in the normal atmosphere. I'm not sure if you are aware, but H2 makes a very good fuel, it is clean burning, yes it is, and there is a lot of energy packed in that molecule. This fuel can be used to run cars, trucks, aircraft, boats, ships, submarines, and even a power-up a motorized big wheel if that floats your boat.

Now then, I would submit to you since that H2 is floating on a very thin layer right above the ocean surface that perhaps we can collect it for free, and use it to power up a ship, hydrofoil, floatplane, submarine, jet ski, or other similar transitional watercraft/aircraft like seaplanes. Now then, since this layer is so small, and since the water is quite choppy, the point of collection constantly varies. In other words the waves go up and down, along with this very thin boundary layer, at times it's just a jumbled mess, seemingly unpredictable, but always constant. Of course, that doesn't mean he H2 isn't there, it most certainly is, and we need it.

Therefore, maybe we need to consider ways to collect it, trap it, use it, or in some way allow it as a bonus to propel man-made devices. Okay so, the other day I was considering this and wondering how I might go about collecting it. Of course I went online to look at various designs of hydrofoils, seaplanes, and wave skimming vehicles. I also noted many watercraft, sports toys, and other rather unique man-made devices. Indeed, I am now convinced that this is a potential eventuality, and I'm surprised no one else has either thought of it or done it.

In fact, it seems so obvious, I'm sure someone has tried, and perhaps, they have failed, and did not write down and provide for the world all that they had learned in the process of their failures. Nevertheless I would submit to you that this is doable, and research should continue along this line. Okay so, I have a recommendation; we might start by using Elbert "Bake" Baker's "Wave Skimmer" design as it appears to be more than well thought out.

We ought to be able to trap the H2 under the flow plane's fuselage, and wingtips and draw that H2 into pressurized tanks to run the engines or turbines attached to the fuselage. We should be able to discharge the water vapor, and also use the oxygen in the combustion process. And although I don't have any drawings, schematics, or designs as of yet to utilize this H2, I am summarily convinced it is feasible. Indeed I hope you will please consider this. If you have any comments, concerns, questions, or other designs along this area of scientific inquiry, then please shoot me an e-mail.

Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank. Lance Winslow believes writing 24,500 articles by August 24th or 25th will be difficult because all the letters on his keyboard are now worn off now..

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Hydrofoil Scheme to Capture H2 and Feed the Gas Into the Engines for Propulsion

When two atmospheres of various density come together, at that point, there is a transitional boundary layer, a place where the molecules are interacting, recombining, a place where ionic bonding is taking place or coming apart. It just so happens here on Earth that two-thirds of our surface on this planet is covered with water. And where that ocean water meets the air, there is a boundary layer where H2O molecules are unhooking themselves.

In this place in time there is an abundance of H2, a molecule which can be used as fuel to propel a human made devices, it might be used for pumps on oilrigs, power to run the generators on a cruise ship, or even to run a high-speed skimming vessel, speedboat, hydrofoil, or floatplane. Now then, how would you go about designing such a system to collect, trap, or gather up that H2 which is three times more prevalent in that boundary layer than in the normal atmosphere? Below are some thoughts on a design I recently came up with;

We use hydrofoil strakes we design a shovel which bunches up the water, only at the surface, which rides up and down along the hydrofoil strake as the strake penetrates each wave moving forward. The shovel bunches up the water at the beginning of the wake, and we collect the air from just in front of the wake where it is calm, then we don't have to worry as much about the water vapor, however there will be some which is collected.

Okay so, we use a Bernoulli trick and allow a turbine style, jet engine shaped device run from relative wind to suck in the air, but allow the water vapor, much heavier to blow around the intake, just as the sand blows around a helicopter jet engine, using Boeing's design for the Apache. Then tubes are attached to the hydrofoil strake taking the H2 up to the engines, along the way and water vapor left that inadvertently makes it into the system or is collected; is discharged using various tricks of physics such as membranes, or a interior strakes in the tube causing the H2 to flow in a spiral, thus the water molecules are forced outward.

This is one concept that human design engineers "could" explore, I think it's workable, but if it isn't it certainly has other uses, doesn't it; such as, environmental remediation or a spinning device to mix paint, with special coatings for instance. Remember it's all just chemistry, physics, and fluid dynamics, nothing really all that special, still abundantly useful with many applications. Just thinking out loud, I am sure I will have more ideas to pitch soon, as I see this concept as rather intriguing.

Of course, this is only one design, there could be endless designs, some more efficient and feasible than others of course. At some point mankind needs to harness this energy, collect it, and use it because it is efficient, because it is there, and because it is free - so why not? Indeed I hope you will please consider all this, and if you have any ideas, concepts, or research along this line of thinking. I ask that you shoot me an e-mail.

Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank. Lance Winslow believes writing 24,500 articles by August 24th or 25th will be difficult because all the letters on his keyboard are now worn off now..

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Global Warming and Energy Efficient Home Concept

Global warming and the high level of carbon emissions are not only an issue, but actually have been happening. In the next ten years, if the trend of fossil energy usage and carbon emissions increases, then approximately 8-10% of land will be reduced each year.

Energy saving is a very good way to reduce global warming effects. Saving the environment should not be done in large thing. If you want to contribute, try to start with saving energy in your home with energy efficient home concept.

House as a place of activity center of every family is a place which absorbs energy usage, the second largest after the industrial sector. As a result, the damage of the environment will quickly occur if everyone is not good enough in managing energy in their home.

By developing the energy efficient home concept, you can reduce your energy usage and can inhibit the global warming. The concept of energy efficient home can significantly reduce electricity usage with much better comfort. Although it is hard to apply, you can start from yourself, for example by turning off unnecessary lights and also reduce the activity in the night.

There are several important aspects in the concept of energy efficient home such as the scale of the room, the excessive amount of space and the electronic usage. More and more trees and air flow will give comfort, so that the energy needs of AC and the fan can be reduced. The lighting of building can be reduced by applying the concept of green light. Sunlight is able to provide good lighting during the day, so that electricity usage can be reduced.

The energy efficient home concept is very suitable to develop in tropical area, but also suitable for subtropical area when the summer comes. There are six approaches that need to be applied in the concept of energy efficient home i.e. coating of building, lighting, heating, cooling, energy consumption, and waste management.

There are several options and ways which you can do for your energy efficient home concept. These steps are very good to be applied when you want to build a new house or renovate the house. Sometimes these steps seem very simple and not crossed our minds. Yet if we look further, there are huge benefits to the environment and below are energy efficient home concepts:

Lighting with high efficiency

In the market, there are tons of brands which sell energy-saving lamps. Energy-saving lamps are relatively expensive, but with low energy and the longer endurance make these lamps are better than the cheap lamps with low-quality. So, when you buy a lamp for lighting, choose the efficient one.

Lighting during the day

The sun can serve as a source of light from morning to afternoon. There are two strategies, namely side and up lighting. When applied with good planning and design in your house, it is not impossible to replace the function of electric light and ultimately saves electricity costs.

Cool roofs

Try to make a home with higher ceiling; it is useful to reduce the heat caused by solar radiation in the room. Roof covering which has greater resistor of thermal conductivity has a good ability to reflect the heat. The roofs from the soil or ceramic materials are excellent for the comfort of temperature in the room. It will be better if added the aluminum foil which is placed beneath the roof covering. For the roof material, you can use the lightweight steel roof to reduce the use of wood which is very widely used during construction.

High-efficiency household appliances

This point is not directly related to the physical building, but very influential to the cost of electricity which you spend every month. Now, there are many brands and specifications of the various household appliances, select the energy efficient household appliances.

Building energy efficient home is one of the ways to reduce the effects of global warming. Home sweet home, therefore, set your house as good as and as comfortable as possible in order to live comfortably.

Rangga Cipta Diputra is a freelancer writer, visit his blog about global warming to get more articles written by by Rangga Cipa Diputra.

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Why Is A 'Smart' Phone System Critical In The Development Of Rwanda?

Rwanda's telecom system can transform the nation from being an emerging market into a middle class economy. Rwanda is a bench mark to explain how social media has changed our world for the good.

The social media era changes the entire paradigm on how business, countries and individuals function. In this era, you can have extreme limitations. Rwanda has extreme limitations that would have precluded it in years past from becoming a middle class economy. Rwanda is landlocked. It has no major mineral deposits, such as oil. Nine out of 10 of its citizens are subsistence farmers. Disease and civil unrest have hurt Rwanda immensely. More than half of its population is 16 or less. These are significant limitations.

Today, we have social media and it is a game-changer. Social media, if used correctly has the ability to allow Rwanda to overcome its limitations and to become a significant player in the world economy.

Rwanda is only part of what is going on in modern Africa. Africa is on the move economically. Africa desires to move from an emerging market into a middle class market economy. In the 1980's, we saw the development of the Asian Tigers. In our era, we are seeing the development of the African Gorillas. The Gorillas and the Tigers are analogous. The Asian Tigers, the nations of South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, and Hong Kong started out as nations with severe limitations. Their biggest asset was the Pacific Ocean. This created an export economy.

The Gorillas biggest asset is social media. The Gorillas can create a market economy on social media platforms. This asset overcomes the limitations capital, time, and space. The Gorillas can create content, move it anywhere in the world in a matter of seconds, and receive their pay electronically. It is not inconceivable to think that an African, in their village, could become a millionaire by selling real estate online.

In this article, we are going to concentrate on Rwanda and explain how a "smart" phone system can transform Rwanda into a middle class economy. Rwanda has limitations, but it also has significant resources. Seven out of ten of its citizens are literate and one in four own a mobile phone.

The basic resources are present for Rwandan development. Rwanda is going to need to bring the resources together. Rwanda is going to need a specialized type of network. The operating system must be a 'smart' phone operating system.

To thrive, Rwanda is going to have to become part of the global economy. Rwandan business people will have to be able to move their resources around the world quickly. Rwanda has a well-developed telecom system. What they need is a specialized system. A 'smart system' must be in place, because then Rwandans can just touch the screen then read and manipulate icons that are in symbol. This system must be simple to read and easy to use. It has to be user friendly. An ease of use interface is critical in moving content and information quickly. Speed is critical in the global economy.

This system already exists in the United States. For Rwanda, this system could be slimed down and adjusted for Rwandan uses. An existing American company has this system in play. For this article, we shall call this company A and its operating system OS. A's products are simple, elegant, and easy to use. A places a premium on products that look nice, are easy to use, and have a strong open network that is simple. A simple network is critical because applications can be developed, that is geared for the African market, and is placed easily into the system.

A's approach to development and design is to achieve the very most with the very least. The system relentlessly focuses on customer experience and avoids anything that will compromise an elegant experience. Simplicity and accessibility are the two criteria for the A OS. This is why this system is critical in the development of contemporary Rwanda. A creates products differently than most western companies. They create products with the end user in mind.

The products that most Western companies develop do not emphasize user convenience and experience. A's products are not just a collection of parts. In product development every detail is refined and if something does not belong there, it is eliminated. Its music was not the first digital music player. The many devices before had many buttons and dials that appealed to gadget obsessed geeks with the time to figure out how to work them. A's music player was elegant, attractive, and sleek. It was a digital juke box that held 1,000 songs and yet fit into your hand. If you wanted a song, it was a simple few clicks away. The A music player was simple, easy, and natural.

This is the system that Rwanda needs. They need a basic, open, operating system, which developers can create applications for as the need develops. The African applications are geared toward the African market. The applications are simple. The new applications may even appeal to a Western market. The applications can then be marketed to Western markets. If the content is popular, you now have a very successful software company operating in Rwanda, employing Africans at middle class wages.

Dean Hambleton

More Wind Farms, Less Greenhouse Gases

Australia leads all developed countries in greenhouse gas emissions. In 2010, its emissions even increased by 0.5% from 2009. This is why its government and private sectors have been doubling its efforts to find more ways of lessening this occurrence and eventually diminish the effects of climate change. The chief power retailers in Australia like Country Energy, AGL, TRUEnergy and others contribute their resources to the development of renewable energy sources.

Among the primary sources being tapped are the wind farms. The country's location and natural resources make it a highly suitable area to develop these sources of sustainable power. Many efforts in building more eco-friendly power sources focus on wind farms, because it has one of the lowest environmental impacts compared to solar, hydro and other such points of supply.

First of all, it is compatible with agricultural life. Grazing and crops remain unharmed even with its presence. When compared with other energy sources, it occupies less land area per kWh of electricity that it generates.

While it isn't easy and fast to put up a whole wind farm, the investment is worth the endeavor as it generates the energy used in its development after only 3 months of operation. Also, a wind farm can operate up to two decades or more and causes almost a negligible amount of pollution.

Initially, there were community problems that have sprung against the establishment of these sustainable power sources. Most of them were objections about the wind farms ruining the regional landscapes, since they are part of Australia's attractions. Others were about heritage issues. However, people realized immediately the importance of reducing coal usage to preserve the environment. The people's disapproval of wind farms lessened even further when community consultation prior to every construction was done. Many objections regarding aesthetics also died down when some of these structures of renewable energy supply started to become tourist attractions.

Wind power generates significant decrease in greenhouse gas emissions as it replaces most of the coal power in Australia. Just a single wind farm keeps the country from producing tons of carbon dioxide from its coal-powered energy supply.

Aside from wind power, people are also banking on hydroelectric power, which is the largest contributor of renewable energy in the country to date. Other types of sustainable power currently used are solar photovoltaic, geothermal, wave and biomass. The government, together with the chief electricity and gas companies of Australia like Country Energy, AGL and Synergy are aggressively researching on these sources to be able to develop more renewable energy systems that are highly effective and reasonably priced for all consumers. All these efforts are made with the hope of keeping low the impact of greenhouse gas emissions in the country and in the world.

Country Energy Australia is a major supporter of the country's efforts in developing more renewable energy sources. In fact, it is a partner in Australia's largest wind farms, including the Blayney, Crookwell, Lake Bonney and Wonthaggi Wind Farms. Know more about the company's environmental initiatives and how to switch to an eco-friendly power supplier on Switchwise.

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Smart Meter for Energy-Efficient Australia

Today, selected areas in Australia use a smart meter for energy usage measurement to help residences and businesses to become energy-efficient. This is just part of the huge campaign by the Australian government and the country's industry sector to lessen greenhouse gas emissions and, eventually, the impact of climate change. These projects are answers to the country's being a leader in contributing greenhouse gases to the world's atmosphere, mainly due to its coal industry and coal-fired power stations.

A smart meter is an electronic meter, which has a built-in communications capability, that is used to calculate the amount of electricity you use in separate time intervals. In the Australian National Electricity Market the time intervals used is 30 minutes.

Most households and businesses today get the details about their power consumption only through their monthly bills. Smart meters generally display their latest electricity usage rate and cost every half hour. Most of these gadgets would already come with a display of the latest reading, but some of them would also feature connectivity to personal computers, so that power consumers could check their usage information from their PCs whenever they want to.

The prime advantage of using these meter reading devices for homes and businesses in the country is that they can get the latest information about their power usage instantly. If homeowners and business managers are equipped with this knowledge, they can adjust how they use their appliances and other items in the house or office that use power with the objective of reducing their energy consumption. In certain cases, this can even help people from having their power supply disconnected due to charges that are over their budget limit for a particular payment period.

With this gadget, they would no longer require power company personnel to regularly visit their residence or establishment just to read their meter. Even the necessary power connections when they move to a new home or office would be completed faster if they use smart meters. This would lead to efficiency and lower costs for both power companies and consumers.

In addition, power outages would be easier to deal with if the region utilizes this new device for meter reading in houses and offices. With its communications capability, the electricity supplier would be able to identify power outages and remedy the problem in a speedier manner.

The government and the industry sector of Australia promote smart meter for energy consumption measurement to help people contribute in their own way in conserving energy in the easiest way possible. These gadgets and all other projects geared towards energy efficiency in all households and businesses are being done with the hope of minimizing greenhouse gases and, ultimately, the effects of climate change.

Smart Meter energy Australia aims to help houses and offices become more energy-efficient. Know more about this device, its advantages and how you can have them in your place through Switchwise.

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More Renewable Energy for Less Climate Change Impact

Australia has the highest rate of carbon emissions per capita in the developed world. Realizing it has contributed much to the carbon pollution on earth, it has organized numerous government policies and efforts to counter the looming impact of climate change in their country and in the world. Among these are its significant initiatives towards developing renewable energy in the country in the recent years. To be able to do this, it has realized its need to bring change to its energy sector, which is largely influenced by huge electricity suppliers, such as Origin Energy, AGL and TruEnergy.

These major companies, since a few years back, have already begun to join in this advocacy. The country believes that it has what it takes to bring about this vital transformation in its energy sector. Australia has competent people to handle studies and initiatives to have lesser carbon emissions in coming years. It abounds in resources suitable for renewable energy, such as the sun, wind power, geothermal source, and wave and tidal power. The cooperation of the chief power providers combined with the growing efforts of the government is making the country's renewable energy goals much more feasible.

Australia has set its Renewable Energy Target for the year 2020. They are aiming that in less than a decade, 20 percent of the country's electricity will already come from renewable sources. A total investment of $20 billion dollars will be driven by then to its large-scale renewable energy.

Just this year, the government created the Australian Renewable Energy Agency, also known as ARENA. It is an independent body that will manage more than $3 billion worth of projects towards this goal regarding sustainable power. It will take over 10 existing renewable programs and R&D projects in solar, geothermal and biofuel energy.

Various types of support programs are already set up for other research and development activities to promote further the country's renewable energy and low-pollution measures for businesses and homes.

Aside from these, the country's electricity providers like Synerygy, Origin Energy and Horizon Power, among others, have been doing projects to develop both existing and new sustainable energy sources in the various states and territories, like the hot rocks of the Australian desert, more efficient solar panels, and stronger hydro power stations.

Australia acknowledges the fact that there is still a lot of work to be done to lessen the impact of their carbon emissions. This is why their government has been doubling its efforts and budget year after year to help this cause. It is also good to know that their power companies have been contributing to help them move towards having a renewable energy sector.

Origin Energy is a well-known provider of environmentally friendly energy and energy related products, with its Green Power product rated #1 by 16 peak environmental groups. Know more about Origin Energy on Switchwise.

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Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Through Power Companies

The Australian government is firm in its commitment to finding more ways to help its country lessen its carbon emissions and eventually decrease the effects of climate change. It is even working together with its power retail companies like AGL, Energy Australia and TRUEnergy, among others to formulate ways by which initiatives toward this ecological objective can be multiplied and be substantial to counter the devastating impact of the climate change.

One of the major efforts where energy retailers work hand in hand with the government is through promoting energy efficiency to the whole country. The general idea behind this is, if everyone in Australia would do their part in reducing the amount of energy that they use, the collective result would be a significant amount of defense against the country's greenhouse gas emissions. Energy efficiency may be simple, but it is one the speediest and most cost-effective means for the country to decrease demand and waste of energy.

As the government constantly introduces measures and assistance to help improve energy efficiency in homes, offices, commercial structures and public venues, power companies present efficient electricity and gas schemes, as well as simple reminders and innovative means to conserve power.

Perhaps the most ambitious project by the government and power companies that is geared towards lessening the country's carbon emissions and battling the effects of climate change is the development of renewable energy sources. Australia has abundant resources needed to generate renewable energy and the whole country is now working towards strategically tapping every resource available for this. Currently among all sustainable sources of energy, the most widely used are hydro, wind, bioenergy and photovoltaic or solar radiation. Other sources like geothermal and wave and tidal are utilized in much smaller amounts.

It is very important that the country would succeed in developing and using more sustainable sources of power, because it would substantially help them in decreasing their carbon emissions, which is caused for the most part by electricity generation.

There are renewable energy projects running on a collaborative effort of the government and the power industry, which includes retailers like Origin, AGL, Australia Power & Gas and many others. One that has started recently is the solar power station planned for northwestern Victoria. Another is the SLIVER Cell photovoltaic technology, which is said to perform as efficient and powerful as conventional solar panels, but at a much lower cost.

There are still other joint efforts that are being done by the various state offices and energy retailers to help diminish the harmful impact of climate change. It is, indeed, good to know that the nation is working together towards this goal for the environment and for the people. They need to act on it now and not wait a minute more when all costs would be higher and effects would be much, much worse.

AGL is Australia's top renewable energy company and also the country's largest private owner, operator and developer of renewable generation assets. Check out Switchwise to know more about AGL and its power schemes.

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The History Of African Telecom: Why Is Social Media A Game Changer For Africa?

Telecom and social media are a game changer for modern Africa. Modern Africa is on the move. We are presently seeing modern Africa quickly evolving from an emerging economy to a significant player in the Global Economy. Just as the Asian Tigers became a force in the '80s, the African Gorillas are becoming a force in our contemporary Global System.

Africa is an example of how quickly individuals and nations can become productive and competitive in our modern era of social media. To become competitive, Africa must develop a 'smart' telecom system. To appreciate the importance of mobile technology in Africa, it's vital to first understand the gravity of the "digital divide". The digital divide is simply those people who have access to technological-social media assets and those that don't. If a person has no access to digital resources, those people, like Africans, are at a significant disadvantage. Conversely, those people, like Americans, who have access to digital resources, have a significant advantage. This is one reason why the U.S. is a significant economic player, and, until recently, Africa wasn't even on the radar. The causes of the digital divide between the West and Africa are not simply due to poverty or development. It is due to geography.

Africa is enormous. That's the good news---it also the bad news. The continent is 30 million square kilometers. Africa controls 20% of the earth's land mass. Approximately 1 billion people occupy the African continent. Africa is comprised of 53 countries on a land mass that spans from the Mediterranean, 40 degrees north of the equator to the Antarctic. Africa is a huge market. If it is developed it will create incredible revenue streams.

The African landscape is just as varied as its inhabitants. In the north we have the stifling sands of the Sahara. Africa is made up of endless deserts and plains. Africa possesses some of the world's tallest mountains, mightiest rivers and densest forests in the world. In the old media era, it was impossible to string phone lines across the continent of Africa.

This is the reason why Africa lagged in development. Geography has destroyed Africa until our present social media era. Because of geography, the advent of human communications left an entire continent behind. Geography is the reason that Africa possessed some of the largest telecom disconnected areas in the world in the old media era. Then came the mobile phone and social media platforms. The advent of social media is a game-changer for the continent because geography is now no longer a major issue. Social media makes geography and capital non-issues.

Africa's geography draws a clear line of distinction between Africa and the rest of the world. For most of the world, mobile phones are a nice, convenience. For Africa, mobile phones, and the recent advent of social media platforms are matter of survival. For the developing world, and particularly for Africa, which is now the world's fastest growing mobile phone market, this technology is a game changer in the lives of a billion people who occupy 20% of the world's surface.

What it comes down to is this. People who were absolutely disconnected from the rest of the world around them, are now connected in real time. The mobile phone has become the railroad of the modern era. The mobile phone links people, information, and economies in places where mobility is not a luxury, but a necessity. Mobile technology that is linked to satellites can truly change the world. Digital technology can transform a basket case, like parts of Africa, to a true economic power.

Let me ask you this. Are you an entrepreneur who has knowledge of how to create a "smart" phone network? If you are and you do, you have the ability to create the "next new thing'. A smart phone network can connect a billion people, living on 20% of the world's surface, to the rest of the world---what are you waiting for Mr. Entrepreneur? Come to Africa and create the next big thing.

Dean Hambleton

Green Degreasers: A Good Choice for Automotive Part Refinishing

ByTimothy Byron

Cleaning solvents are used heavily among industries dealing with parts or equipment. Automotive refinishing businesses apply solutions to strip all grime and dirt off of parts before repainting. The environment has been one of the largest concerns when using strong chemicals. They release toxin s into the air or soil if not disposed of properly.

Worker safety is another concern due to the chemicals entering the skin or being inhaled. A worker could experience skin irritation when in direct contact with solvents or develop internal health problems from vapor inhalation. These concerns have led to the development of green or eco-friendly cleaners. Degreasers are a necessity for many industrial processes and make using newer products even safer. Green degreasers have been designed to provide the same results without the extensive risks accompanying common hazardous cleaners.

How Does an Industrial Degreaser Fit Into the Motor Cleaning Process?

An industrial degreaser must be used any time an engine or other automotive part is painted. Buildup prevents the paint from adhering to the metal and from being applied evenly. Dried paint will flake off if cleaning is not performed prior to painting. Engine degreasing is not done all at once. It is a multi-step process where degreasing is performed more than once for a complete clean. The first application involves the entire engine so cleaning can be done on the warm parts. Parts are then removed and the engine is cleaned again. After degreasing has been completed, paint can be applied to the engine's metal surface.

Run the engine until it is warm before applying the industrial degreaser to necessary parts. A plastic bag secured by tape should be used to cover the air intake duct and the distributor cap. This prevents water from getting into the intake opening. The intake is a hose with one end entirely open or covered with a screen.

A distributor cap consists of thick rubber wires leading to each spark plug. It will consist of heavy plastic, have a round shape, and be made up of five to nine wires depending on the type of motor. Any part that could suffer from water saturation must be covered. Use a spray degreaser to commence cleaning to make sure it does not touch hoses and wires. The chemical should be left on for around fifteen minutes to allow for grease penetration.

A wire brush may be used to loosen extensive buildup areas. Rinse the solvent using a strong stream of water such as that provided by a power washer. The engine compartment will have to be taken apart for internal cleaning. This involves many additional steps including hose detachment, wire removal, and spot cleaning.

A traditional degreaser can be dangerous if used during this process. It is performed in a more open environment where chemicals can easily flow through the air. Anyone working in the automotive industry can benefit from a green degreaser because compound release is minimal and the products are easy to dispose. They pose no harm to the environment, yet provide the same great cleaning power as chemicals commonly applied to parts cleaning.

Individuals in the automotive refinishing business must use an industrial degreaser to clean motors. A green degreaser can be substituted to reduce environmental and operator harm.

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