
Why Should Cotton Be Organic?

ByPraveen Manne

Cotton is the most widely used natural fiber in apparels today. Chances are 50% of your clothing in the wardrobe is made out of it, this natural fabric accounts for half of all the fabric sold in the world, but sadly it is the most water intensive and pest sensitive crop.

Cotton's susceptibility to pests makes it one of the most pesticide intensive crop, though it is grown only on 2% of the world's crop land, Conventional cotton drives 25% of global sales of insecticides and pesticides. All these poisonous chemicals with devastating effects can cause cancers and irreparable damage as they contaminate the soil and water supplies. Each T-shirt made from conventional Cotton uses 165 grams of synthetic fertilizers and farm chemicals.

Cotton's high chemical usage doesn't just stop at its raw form, its processing into finished fabric and apparel requires various chemical treatments such as bleaching, scouring dyeing, printing etc for improving performance and appearance. Every stage of the process uses toxic chemicals such as peroxides, formaldehyde, phthalates, pvc, lead which are washed off into the environment, at least 8000 chemicals are used to turn raw materials into a finished garment. So can anything be done about this?

Organic: Characteristic of, pertaining to, or derived from living organisms "Organic Cotton"

How is organic cotton different?

Organic cotton production is a system of growing cotton without the need of fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides hence decreasing the effects on the soil and all living matter. Once produced the raw material has to be processed in an industry which employs stringent standards like usage of environment friendly dyes, Waste Water Management, minimum social responsibility etc. (if the dye applied was high in chemicals then the benefits of the organic cotton have been lost)

Certified Organic cotton is in short supply and represents just 1% of total production. It is important to check that you are actually buying certified organic cotton, what percentage of a final product is organic cotton and what sort of dye was used on the organic cotton.

Who would monitor such a system, how can the cotton be traced from the origin to the finished good?

GOTS - Global Organic Textile Standards are the standards followed by all entities in the supply chain right from the farmers, industries & brands. The aim of this standard is to define requirements to ensure organic status of textiles, from harvesting of the raw materials, through environmentally and socially responsible manufacturing up to labeling in order to provide a credible assurance to the end consumer.

Author: I am an Engineering graduate with an inclination towards fashion and apparel,in the process of building my brand I have seen the abuse of environment and its comrades in the textile industry, wanting to be responsible made all the difference for me, to see if it would make any difference to you.

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What Is Rainwater Harvesting?

In an age of global warming and unpredictable weather patterns, many communities are suffering the cost of a water shortage- particularly in developing countries. This is why harvesting rainfall has become an alternative way for a family home to become water independent. What is harvesting rainwater?

Water shortages are often man-made, for instance too many homes in areas where there has always been a lack of rainfall, creates a need to develop reservoirs or relocate excess water from another area of the country. This is costly, and in an era of austerity plus the gradual warming up of our planet- unaffordable.

A traditional method of guaranteeing a supply of water has been harvesting rainfall, and is thousands of years old. The ancient Egyptian, Mayan and Roman empires used this technique to manage the water supplies of their cities, and towns, through using drainage and catchment systems most of our modern cities use today. However one aspect of rainwater harvesting used thousands of years ago, is becoming a more effective alternative to investing in large scale water projects- home catchment.

Indonesia is home to over 225 million people, and is larger than Europe in size, except it is a nation of over 17,000 islands, surrounded by sea. Many of these islands are undeveloped, and depend on agriculture, and fishing for a living, whilst it is unaffordable to develop running water to all the homes. That's where a simple and modified ancient home rainfall harvesting program has had effective results.

One of these islands suffered for decades from a prolonged dry season, and a short four month rainy season. The rainwater from the wet season, if harvested could provide enough water for each household, and allow communities to become completely independent from 'importing" costly water from a nearby island.

Harvesting was simple, even crude compared to the modern techniques used to recycle water in today's urban centers. Homes were simply fitted with a simple bamboo pipe, that caught the rainfall from the roofs of each home, and it naturally flowed into storage units near each home. Once the rainwater was stored, a pipe would be connected to these storage tanks to taps inside the house. Today, communities on this island, have their own independent water supply, and are water rich, instead of dependent.

Recent reports by the World Future Society claim that by the year 2020, water could become as valuable as oil, because of the effects of an increasing world population, a decline in natural forests, and the unsustainable use of water in many of our countries. This trend is reversible, despite the lack of funds many governments have, and the continued growth of cities.

Reversing the possibility that homeowners may one day, need to ration or pay premium rates for the water they use, could be solved by every home using a water catchment pipe, and linking it to a communal or independent storage unit. Something our ancient ancestors knew and practiced thousands of years ago, and like the water independent residents of a remote Indonesian island, guarantee that we use what nature gives us, rather then waste a valuable resource such as rain water.

Discover how you can survive and thrive during a period of economic change

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Eco Bags - Environmental Concerns

ByDouglas Lober

Environmentalists around the planet are voicing their concerns over an incredibly increasing problem that is facing the world. This problem is waste and pollution that is spreading across the globe. A large portion of this waste is caused by the usage of plastic bags. They have suggested the use of eco friendly bags, so they would be able to cut bag on the accumulation of trash that is found from the land to the oceans. Plastic bags have caused death among much of the sea life. They have become entangles in this debris, or have also mistaken these bags for food or predators, and consumed them.

There are many plastic bag manufacturers who are not heading this warning, and this can cause a devastating effect on the entire Earth. There are approximately 500 billion plastic bags produced each year, and this number also reflects the amount of waste after these bags have been used. Switching to other eco friendly bags can dramatically change the outcome. This is a situation that has been growing in the minds of environmentalists. Many options exist for eco friendly bags that can be reused many different times. These are changes that can benefit everyone in the long run.

Sometimes there are damages to the environment that cannot be helped or reversed. The impact of using plastic bags can be helped, and future damage can be prevented. The easiest way that this problem can be remedies is by switching from plastic bags to bags that are eco friendly. This is an inexpensive change that many people are capable of making without much effort. If this change was made by even half of the people, there would be a dramatic impact that would improve the longevity of the Earth's environment.

The environmental concerns that face the world are mainly caused by damage that people are responsible for. This is damage that is avoidable. Choosing plastic bags offer no real benefits to people other than the availability of these bags inside the grocery store. Using bags that are eco friendly can be a convenient option as well. They can be easily stored in the truck of any car, or even under the seat of a car. They fold up very nicely, and take up very minimal space. This type of change can only benefit the environment in the long run, but the alternative of not changing can cause devastating results to the Earth that will be irreversible.

Douglas Lober is the founder of It is his belief that one day we will live in a World without single use paper and plastic bags. eco bags.

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Going Bust Over Degreasing Solvents: How Did Clean Get So Ugly?

ByTimothy Byron

Successful manufacturing business owners adopt incredibly resourceful ways of dealing with daily, predictable stress. So much, in fact, it is commonly viewed as "part of the job." In a position with endless decisions to be made, degreasing solvents being used in the facility hardly seem worthy of a second thought. Owners realize that grease, oil, and dirt on equipment will need to be cleaned regularly. They contact solvents suppliers, find a product for a competitive price, and no longer have to worry about a mess, right?

Wrong. A majority of grease removal products are made with highly toxic chemicals, and threaten the health of employees. Business owners who utilize chemical degreasers in any part of operation or maintenance procedure are strongly advised to take a look at the facts, and consider the financial devastation caused by an unsafe working environment.

How Employees Are Affected

Degreasing solventsare made of industrial-strength chemical compounds that emit Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs). Trichloroethylene (TCE) is one of the most common toxic chemicals used in degreasers. The health risks of TCE exposure are so pronounced that its use must be regulated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Considered a maintenance cleaning product for regular and continual use to promote sanitized work environments, employees are constantly at risk of inhalation exposure. TCE in the workplace is responsible for causing minor symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, and poor coordination. The more severe and chronic health symptoms of employee exposure include damage to vital heart, liver, and kidney organs of the body, as well as the central nervous system, and even death. Employees usually trust that business owners would not intentionally put their lives in danger, and certainly not on a daily basis by way of removing grease build-up.

How Exposed Employees Function

Employees exposed to HAPs do not always recognize they have been poisoned just by breathing at work, often mistaking the minor symptoms of headache or dizziness as just feeling slightly under the weather, and not significant enough to punch their time card out for the day. At the very least, an employee's level and speed of doing their job, contributing to the productivity of the company is disabled. Failure of heavy industrial machinery is the least of concerns when a worker attempts to operate with impaired judgment, slowed reaction time, and lack of basic hand-eye coordination. Completely preventable instances like this can easily multiply the number of people hurt in a shop, assembly plant, or warehouse whether the individual victims were personally exposed to chemical degreasing solvents or not.

Industrial business owners spend an enormous amount of money to have manufacturing equipment repaired, maintained, and serviced to guarantee desired productivity and profit. Justifying these costs by viewing the machinery as a vital lifeline for creating goods which will ultimately bring profit dollars is a standard and widely used practice. Factoring the crucial expenses your company needs to operate, and knowing your minimum overhead costs is common business sense. The well-being of employees is essential for the lifeline. As the majority of operators and laborers within a production facility, their safety cannot be left out of the overhead.

The Bottom Line

Lack of responsible ownership and hazardous working environments rob companies of potential productive earnings, while enhancing the likelihood of a wrongful employee injury or death liability lawsuit that can easily result in financial devastation. Fortunately, toxic chemical solvents suppliers are only one of two varieties. Reputable companies producing degreasing solvents organically are available to assist business owners with the exact same equipment methods, application, and desired removal strength to continue desirable and safer working conditions for all.

Health hazards of chemical degreasing solvents are explained for business owners, to demonstrate how choosing solvents suppliers that expose employees to dangerous conditions will hurt overall business profit.

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Strengthening Glaciers and Ice Shelves With Lasers, Microwaves, and H20-Chemical Solutions

As the coordinator for a think tank I've heard some of the craziest ideas in the world, indeed, I've even come up with a few myself, for instance, I have been wondering if it is possible to Strengthening Glaciers and Ice Shelves with Lasers, using a combination of microwaves and other frequency manipulation tricks. Let me explain how this might work, and why we need it.

First of all, we are very concerned that some of our glaciers and ice shelves are breaking away at a very rapid rate, and we are concerned what that might due to the climate. Now then, I am not necessarily for geo-engineering, but I think it is relevant to at least consider some rather far out geo-engineering feats and thus, it is wise to discuss them. We all know that water can turn into snowflakes, and we also know it depends on the energy in the air, the temperature, and various other things as to just how the snowflakes form.

In fact, it is possible by varying certain components to come up with the same snowflake design again and again if the conditions are exactly the same. Water is a molecule, and molecules have ionic bonding, and if we can modify that, and strengthen it, thus, we should be able to strengthen large areas such as ice shelves. In other words, what we might do is to drill holes, fill them in with water, and freeze them along with perhaps a chemical solution at an exact temperature, during a specific time period, at a certain frequency.

This would be very similar to putting rebar in concrete, and so perhaps you are beginning to understand the method to my madness. Again, why would you wish to do such a thing? Perhaps you can ask the environmentalists, and the global warming alarmists, as I am not one, but I am intrigued by the challenge of coming up with ways to prevent their doom-and-gloom scenarios even if I don't believe in them. In other words, this is an exercise in original thinking, problem-solving, and geo-engineering and that is something we haven't done a lot of as a species.

Now then, as a nonreligious person, I don't see why we wouldn't experiment playing around with mother nature, and learn as much as we could in the process, as long as we don't get carried away for the wrong reasons. You never know, someday something like this may come in very handy, and will be glad that we have the technology, expertise, and background to pull it off. All I ask is that you please consider all this, and think of it as the craziest idea you've heard all week.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Future Concepts. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

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Telltale Signs You Need To Change Solvents Manufacturers

ByTimothy Byron

Regardless of a particular trade industry, companies using degreasing solvents rely on them heavily to perform routine sanitary maintenance on equipment, machinery, parts, and work surfaces, driving departments to function at their highest capability. While the need to clean and remove grease, oil, dirt, and other wastes is evident for smooth operation, choosing the wrong solvents manufacturers can prove to be a negative and costly experience. A number of key factors will help determine if your grease removal supplier is actually causing your business unnecessary, grimy build-up.

Poor Quality or Hazardous Products

Degreasing solvents are specifically designed for powerful, effective removal of wastes that are difficult to clean with normal sanitation products. For this reason, degreasers are made of extremely potent chemical compounds for the total eradication of organic materials. Most companies view this as an obvious advantage to be rid of a pesky grease problem, and see no reason to question a cleaner provided it performs the removal. While chemicals are a necessary asset to degreasers, the types of chemicals used by solvents manufacturers are not all alike. Suppliers who refuse to replace hazardous ingredients with safer, equally-effective compounds, regardless of how severe consequences are to a company, are blatantly careless and unethical businesspeople. To verify your company is not at risk of toxic chemical exposure, choose a supplier that is compliant with safety regulations of the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration).

Lack of Experience

Businesses depend on a variety of cleaning solutions to manage specific needs of equipment, items, and surfaces. Experienced suppliers learn from decades of interaction with businesses, recognizing every application is unique, and may not be suited for identical degreasing solvents previously used. Finding products that best fit individual application needs can save businesses time and money that can be lost due to damages caused by the wrong method. Search for suppliers offering a full range of product options, so your requirements will become equally as important and achievable to them, as they are to you. Reputable suppliers are also beneficial by operating with trained professionals and chemists to answer the technical questions of customers, as well as the expertise to build custom formulas when the perfect fit does not exist. Being a chemist should not be a requirement to purchase grease removers. Receiving support from a knowledgeable, specialized professional helps to ease any concerns about safety or chemical application customers may have.

Impractical Ordering Requirements

Often the crucial need to clean an unsanitary work area comes at the worst moments. If an accident happens to contaminate entire areas of a building, a business loses profit each day workers are unable to utilize the space. By choosing solvents manufacturers that do not limit customers to minimum order requirements, you provide your business with extra security and peace of mind, no matter how messy it gets.

Companies using degreasing solvents are given a description of common negative aspects and positive supplier alternatives to decide if switching their current solvents manufacturers will improve vendor-customer relations.

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Glass Recycling

We love the sound of breaking glass!

In today's world recycling has become an everyday occurrence. We are all encouraged to do it. Our local councils provide different bins, boxes and bags to help us separate our waste. This is so we all help in the drive for a more sustainable life-style and cut down on the use of raw materials. Glass is one the easiest products to recycle and because of that has become a main staple of the recycling industry. It is one man-made product that can be re-made time and again, without losing any of its properties.

Collected from households or bottle deposits, it is then separated into colours, then crushed or milled. In this state it is called cullet. Then it is put into a furnace and melted. When it is back to its original state it can be shaped into whatever is necessary. The beauty of glass is that it can be recycled continuously.

One of the necessary components for any waste recycling venture is conveyors. Once the glass has been collected and sorted, it needs to be crushed and taken to through to the next step. This is where the conveyor comes in. Conveyors have a wide range of applications, anything from chemical ingredients to food or industrial waste. They are what connect the different parts of the process that take raw material through to finished product. Getting the right conveyor for your operation is important. The aim is to move large or bulk batches through your process at a constant and efficient rate. Each system is especially designed for each particular application in mind. The amount of space available is important and systems can be tailored to size. Inclined or bucket systems may be necessary for limited work areas. For trough or covered belts would be the best bet. The milled or crushed glass has to be contained while moving as a health and safety precaution. Depending on workload, this can be a simple stop/ start manual operation or an automated constant flow or periodic cycle.

There are companies that specialize in installing these product processes. They will design an efficient system for any recycling plant, whether or not it is specifically geared to or to all the other various manufacturing industries. There are many British companies that export to the rest of the world. Among their products are conveyors, screeners, crushers and feeders of various types and sizes.

For more information on or dry screening please visit Gough & Co (Engineering) Ltd.

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Recycling Autumn Leaves As Eco-Fuel

Autumn brings a spectacular change in scenery to many of us with a rich variety of colours. Leaves that were once green turn to red, yellow and brown before falling from the trees and creating the unenviable chore of having to gather them up and throw them away.

Of course this is an unnecessary waste of a natural resource that could be recycled as a carbon neutral eco-fuel. For those people with an old-fashioned fireplace, stove, chiminea or firebowl you can take advantage of the seemingly endless amount of fallen leaves to stock up on fuel to last you through the winter.

You can simply throw the loose leaves onto the fire, but this could be messy and the fire will not burn for long or at a very high heat. You must also be careful to makes sure the leaves are dry otherwise you could end up with a lot of smoke - or even no fire at all. The simple answer to getting the most out of the fuel potential of the leaves is to get hold of a logmaker, which is a very simple tool that can turn those leaves into eco-logs.

Logmakers come in two types: dry ones and wet ones. Dry logmakers are used for dry leaves (you can use logmakers for other kinds of household and garden waste too if you wish). Wet logmakers are used for wet leaves or other waste. You simply have to put the material into the logmaker and compact it down to make a log. It will squeeze out any excess water, leaving you with a perfectly shaped log. They should be left to dry out before use. A perfect place to store them is somewhere cool and dry such as a garden shed, or a simple log store.

The eco-logs are essentially carbon neutral as long as you have gathered them up from your garden or somewhere else nearby. The amount of carbon that the leaves will emit when burnt is equal to the amount that they absorbed before they fell from the tree. Simply stated you cannot get a more eco-friendly fuel. There is also the added bonus of the fuel being free, and anything that can help spare a few pennies these days can't hurt.

Of course logmakers can be used to convert other household and garden waste materials into eco-fuel too, so you can make the most of them throughout the year to create your very own stove or chiminea fuel.

About the author

Simon Davies is an outdoor and eco-living enthusiast and write for Chiminea UK.

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Reforestation Today for Healthier Communities and Prosperity

Forests are very important to the economy and well being of the people of Virginia. Same is true for our neighboring state of N.C, and to lesser extent but important in neighboring states of TN and WV, and possibly few others.

For example, In the country of Senegal, on the western coast of Africa, a movement headed by youths has helped to plant over 6 million mangrove trees. The trees will protect local villages from storm damages and will provide a habitat for local wildlife. The project started in 2008, and already the Senegalese government has been asked to establish rules and regulations that would protect the new mangrove forests.

Similar initiatives, often triggered by worthy community based non-profits, are needed in USA and other nations where forestry is important resource for healthier community & economic value now and in future. Those nations who do not have a significant forestry industry base, for example, some countries in Northern Europe, they have developed "niche" secondary manufacturing industry based on important of softwood and hardwood lumbers from USA and other nations. Strengthening such "value trade" among nations in beneficial to participating trading nations, including USA.

Forest biotechnology is an emerging new industry with substantial potential for those nations who are able and willing to motivate at least some young people to invest in the knowledge of forest life science as available in industry and at some research universities in USA.

Here are the key reasons as itemized in the "economic impact" website from the Dept of Forestry of the State of Virginia, I refer below. I will itemize the key reasons.
Forestry is the no. 1 source of manufacturing jobs in Virginia. Such products that are manufactured from forestry resources such as windows, doors, floors & building materials provide jobs, often higher paying because skilled workers are important.
Forestry landowners receive healthy compensation when lumber is prudently cut on their land periodically with a tree growing cycles of 10 years for softwood such as pine trees, to 20 years or more for hardwood such as Chestnut and Birch.
Forests provide recreation for visitors and residents in Virginia, with fishing, hunting, camping, festivals and more. In fact, in the State of Virginia, 2/3 of the people use these facilities on a typical year for leisure activities that are important and beneficial.
Trees help reduce erosion and creeks, rivers and waterways have cleaner water than otherwise. In fact, in many nations in the world today, including parts of USA, deforestation and loss of green cover is a major source of water pollution.
Enter "Reforestation" and tools such as "Tree Plantations" (thorough Timber Investment Managent Organization) in cooperation with appropriate community based non-profits and municipal governments, strengthening forests at the crossroad between proven tool as "TIMO" and newly emerging "forest life sciences", a quiet revolution is possible in USA, and other friendly nations where forestry is also important.

Demand for forestry products will remain far higher than expanding supply of forestry products possible.

Social, environmental and economic benefits and tools to strengthen forestry and reforestation are known. Appreciation and pragmatic passion on a community and region basis are essential to enable forestry to contribute significantly to pursuit of quality of life and prosperity in USA and elsewhere.

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How Can Green Organic Solvents Improve My Business?

ByTimothy Byron

Organic solvents are becoming increasingly popular among a vast range of industry applications. Understanding the specific chemical and quality standards of environmentally-friendly cleaning suppliers will help organizations determine whether "going green" is the best choice for their business or not. The following information has been provided to explain the basic characteristics, facts, and potential advantages of choosing natural versus unnatural cleaning products. While organizational owners and leaders are certainly free to form their own personal opinions supporting or opposing environmental activism, organic solvents are also examined from a financial viewpoint that universally applies to all businesses.

Chemical Safety Monitoring To Avoid Recklessness

Cleaning with potent and industrial level strength products will most likely involve chemicals to get the job done exactly the way it is intended. Eco-friendly manufacturers openly acknowledge the inevitable need for chemical compounds, while providing alternative options to reduce devastating environmental, health, and safety hazards of toxic products. Often suggesting that businesses analyze the requirements of an application before jumping to toxic conclusions, genuine suppliers will assist customers with natural solutions when they are appropriate, and guide them toward safer chemical products when absolutely necessary.

Overcoming Legislative Chokeholds to Expand Productivity

The United States EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) is a federal agency devoted to protection of human health and the environment. Based on laws passed by the United States Congress, the EPA is responsible for writing and enforcing safety regulations as each chemical or procedure is phased-out due to high hazard risks. Often sporadic as new chemical research developments are made, businesses are commonly interrupted without notice by regulations applying to their daily established practices. It is important for industry leaders to understand the primary objective of the EPA is to enforce national safety, no matter what. Regardless of the amount of time or money a business has invested in stocking chemical products that were viewed as acceptable the day before, the moment the government proves it causes more harm than good, there is no option to dispute it. Suppliers of green organic solvents go above and beyond current mandated chemical precautions not only to create a clean global environment, but to protect organizations from fluctuating regulations guaranteed to put a dent in their overall profitability.

Successfully Replacing Hazardous Chemicals within All Industries

A common misconception of organic solvents is a lack of strength required for major manufacturing and maintenance use. Carefully monitoring levels of toxic chemicals used in industrial products does not mean utter and complete eradication. It is simply a strategy aimed to enhance smarter business decision-making, without compromising the quality or effectiveness of cleaning solutions.

Green organic solvents have proven to be a safe and successful replacement of hazardous chemicals within notoriously demanding industries such as manufacturing, military, pharmaceutical, nuclear power, and aerospace, just to name a few.

Industry leaders questioning the performance ability of organic solvents compared to chemically saturated products are provided answers, as well as information to assist the determination of green organic solvents as a financially practical or unrealistic business investment.

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What Exactly Is a Magnetic Electricity Generator?

A magnetic electricity generator is also widely known as a free electricity generator. The idea is to use the force of magnets to induce motion. But what does motion have to anything with generating electricity with magnets?

The answer is simple. If you ever wonder how water turbines and wind turbines generate electricity, you would learn that they use motors of any scale that use motion to generate electricity. It's the same concept with magnetic generators. Magnets are embedded into designs that contain a motor. The shaft of the motor is coordinated with the motion of the magnets. The motor, here, is the device that uses the rotation of the shaft to convert mechanical energy into electricity. Therefore, by designing the generator to capture the motion the magnets produce, magnetic electricity is achieved. The strength of the magnets highly determines the efficiency of a magnetic generator. They can be scaled in size to empower electrical needs of any type; most of all magnetic electricity generators produce alternating current that's compatible with a house's electricity line which is a feature that requires additional machinery in solar panels or wind turbines.

The use of magnetic electricity generators for the production of electricity is not a concept that has reached mainstream as yet. It has been said by many that large energy corporations have tried their level best to keep this concept hidden, due to the fact that it may ruin their profits once the common man gains access and further develops the idea. However, some scientists have managed to re-write the whole concept so that it could be understood by the common man in order to be made use of.

Building a magnetic electricity generator is not an entirely difficult task. All that's required is some basic knowledge on the subject, along with some building and wiring skills. A generator, properly tweaked, will have the capacity to power up your entire house. There are many other specifics that it needs to be built upon to make it a device that will actually be beneficial. It is also a device that will suit any type of setting or surrounding, no matter where you live.

Despite it's capacity of producing electricity in a much efficient manner compared to other types of alternative electricity generators, pre-made magnetic electricity generators are a rare sight which remains a mystery. However, DIY electricity enthusiasts are now building these devices based on professional guidance, in the form eBooks.

A residential magnetic electricity generator can help you produce safe, clean, renewable energy without harmful by-products and can also help you go completely off the grid.

The great benefits of magnetic power generators are what encouraging residents to build these devices. However, like all other electricity devices, a step-by-step guide is essential for a generator as such. The Hojo Motor is a recently released DIY electricity manual that shows its users on how to assemble their own magnetic electricity generator. The guide stands out as it is based on Howard Johnson's patented blueprints for working magnetic energy devices. To learn more about the guide, read this: Hojo motor review.

More information on DIY electricity options visit

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Protecting Nature - Ecological Offset Printing

Deinking of Paper - The opportunity to deink the paper - basically, to break ink and coatings from it - is crucial for sustainable recycling of it. Good deinkability is a prerequisite for using used paper to produce graphical papers and hygienic paper products. Effective ways can be found in these days for eliminating aqueous coatings and sheet-fed offset inks.

It is definitely more difficult to achieve good results with UV-cured inks and coatings, the liquid toner used in digital printing, and inkjet inks. Ink taken out of recycled pulp can be burned to generate energy to run the mill, or sold to make such useful substances as compost or gravel for roads. A single piece of paper may have new fibers along with fibers which have already been recycled once, twice, or several times. Paper-making fibers can typically be recycled 5-7 times before they become very short to be recycled again. Successful recycling needs clean recovered paper that's free of pollutants such as food, plastic, metal, and other trash. Contaminated paper can introduce impurities and bacteria into the recycling procedure. Furthermore, different grades of paper - corrugated boxes, newspapers, and office paper - must be kept separate, because the different grades of recovered paper are used to create specialized types of recycled paper products.

Eco Inks and Coatings - A few of the pigments used in ink contain metallic compounds which are harmful to human health and the environment such as cadmium, chromium, lead and mercury. Standard printing inks are petroleum-based and used with alcohol-based solvents. As alcohol and petroleum evaporate Volatile Organic Compounds are emitted.Volatile Organic Compounds represent ecological pollution and a health hazard to press-room employees. In terms of atmospheric pollution, Volatile Organic Compounds react with nitrogen oxides in the existence of daylight to create ozone pollution or photochemical smog. Offset inks generally consist to 30 % of mineral oils. Using Eco-inks, also known as Eco-solvent inks and green inks, can cut down at the consumption of fossil fuels. These products use transformed vegetable oils instead, such as linseed or soy esters.

Eco-inks are already widely used in some markets.The variation in reproduction quality and processing are hardly clear. All major European producers are involved in the voluntary commitment made by the EU ink industry to defending health and ensuring product safety. Soy and vegetable based inks also benefit the environment due to better ease of removal from wastepaper during de-inking for recycling.Also with UV inks a few producers have succeeded in changing up to 30% of the substances that go into their formulations with renewable raw materials. From an ecological viewpoint, in connection with packaging it is relevant that only extremely little amounts of offset printing inks constituents migrate from the printed surface into the substrate. Print coatings may also be regarded as inks who don't have pigments. Like Eco-inks, it is therefore also easy to use vegetable oil derivatives instead of mineral oils to create them. Dispersion and UV coatings are considerably less conducive to substituting renewable raw materials.

Offset printing technology

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Comparing Traditional and Alternative Industrial Degreaser Products

ByTimothy Byron

Choosing an industrial degreaser is a decision that will successfully reduce, or significantly increase a company's risk of lowering profit and workplace safety. Businesses purchasing industrial degreaser products are strongly encouraged to learn the facts about alternative solutions in order to select the best solvent for their facility.

Cost-Effective Solutions for Heavy-Duty Buildup

Maximum performance industrial degreaser products are made to handle the toughest grease and dirt removal without breaking a sweat. Used in a variety of applications, these cleaning agents are heavily depended on to eliminate hazardous health and safety risks, which is why many consumers are willing to pay such a steep price for them. The phrase, "you get what you pay for" does not always apply to every situation. Manufacturers have found that the use of natural terpene derivatives mixed with cleaning agents creates one of the most powerful solutions on the market. This unique combination doesn't just help you clean: It does most of the work for you, all while being much safer than other chemical options. Super concentrated, extremely aggressive, and biodegradable features are just the beginning of what makes a maximum performance industrial degreaser incredibly valuable. For the first time, manufacturers have designed a formula that is intended for water dilution, allowing you to clean the highest degree of buildup in an affordable way.

Saving the Environment without Compromising Quality

Although they are certainly effective, the majority of degreasing agents are made up of butyl cellosolve, glycol ether, and acids that are harmful during exposure, as well as toxic to the environment. Neutral pH degreasers release very low levels of VOC (volatile organic compound) emissions into the air, and contain zero phosphate. In addition to these eco-friendly advantages, neutral solvents are non allergenic and completely biodegradable. This is an entirely new concept breathing life into standard aqueous cleaning agents that are commonly used for oily automotive plant floors, aircraft hangers, and manufacturing facilities. If you are actively involved in any of these specialty areas, you probably know how rare it is to find an aqueous industrial degreaser that is not only effective, but also environmentally safe to use.

Eliminating Safety Hazards Affordably

Powerful multipurpose solvents are highly desired among industries that face several different greasy, dirty, and oily applications on a regular basis. Cleaning agents with a broad range of capability are an excellent way for companies to save money. The cost of purchasing multiple solvents to clean every area of a facility is something businesses take very seriously. Unfortunately, multipurpose solvents often put owners at an even greater risk of profit loss due to dangerously toxic TCA (trichloroethane) and highly flammable conditions. Manufacturers of industrial degreaser products have developed exciting new chemical compounds that significantly reduce the risks commonly associated with TCA. The safe alternative uses n-propyl bromide to substitute and exceed the capabilities of traditionally cholorinated solvents.

Alternatives to traditional industrial degreaser products are provided to explain how choosing the best industrial degreaser protects businesses from safety hazards and profit loss.

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