Paper waste constitutes almost one-third of the solid waste generated across the globe. Before, paper waste was either disposed in landfills, taking up a lot of space, or was incinerated. The combustion of paper through incineration releases carbon dioxide, disturbing the natural atmospheric balance. The enhanced greenhouse effect is responsible for global warming and climate change, making landfill disposal and incineration unsuitable and harmful options for paper waste management.
Paper recycling is a "green" solution for the management of paper waste. Recycling paper is a process that converts waste paper into reusable paper and other products.
The practice of recycling paper consists of the following stages:
Collection - Paper waste, such as newspapers, printer paper, and cardboard and product boxes, is collected by placing recycle bins in public places, schools, offices and households. The collection process is carried by municipal organizations and private companies that specialize in the recycling of waste.
Sorting - After it's collected, paper waste is sorted into different piles depending on the quality and type of paper. The piles are then compressed to form bales and these bales are used to produce recycled paper.
Shredding - During the production of recycled wafer-thin, waste paper is cut into small bits. These bits are further broken down into fibres.
Re-pulping - The fibres are then mixed with water to form pulp. This pulp may contain various unwanted components such as dirt, old ink, and weak fibres
De-inking - The pulp is washed, segregated, sieved and rotated. As a result, dirt, old ink and weak fibres get separated from the pulp in the form of sludge that is later discarded. The clean pulp is utilized to produce recycled paper and other products such as egg crates, fruit trays, paper cardboard, insulation and false ceilings.
Papers Recycling is an environmentally friendly process that, for one thing, helps limit deforestation practices. Many plant and animal species become extinct when their natural habitat is destroyed because of deforestation. When trees are cut down, it also disturbs the balance of the gases in the atmosphere. One ton of recycled paper can save up to 17 trees from being cut down. In terms of energy-saving, the production of recycled requires 40 to 60% less energy than paper manufactured from virgin pulp; each ton of recycled paper saves approximately 225 kilowatt hours of energy. Furthermore, every ton of recycled paper saves 60,000 litres of water - a great benefit since the production of fresh paper uses large amounts of water.
These are just some of the many ways recycling paper can benefit the planet and contribute to a sustainable environment for future generations.
You can get more information about Paper Recycling services by visiting Metal Recycling Services
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