
The Many Benefits of Recycled Street Furniture

ByIan Monaghan

Go to any city centre, and there is a good chance that some of the street furniture that you see is made from recycled plastic. Recycled street furniture is becoming increasingly popular and it has a number of benefits over other traditional types of material. This article looks at a few of the most important benefits.


Recycled plastic is a very durable material and this means that it can put up with extremes of weather and corrosive salty air when located near the sea. This means that it is a great option for recycled street furniture if you want to create benches and tables which will last many years. In many circumstances this allows the furniture to last up to four times longer than wood.

This also means that it is less likely to crack and splinter, which can be uncomfortable for the users of the furniture and can even cause safety issues.

More Economical

Because it lasts longer, recycled street furniture can be a more economical choice. Perhaps it may be more expensive to buy at first, but if it lasts many more years then you will not have to replace the furniture so soon and one bench can be used for many years before it needs replacing. This makes it a great option for anyone looking for a more economical alternative.


Recycled street furniture can be designed to look just like wood. People often prefer timber benches because of how they look, but recycled plastic can look just like timber and still come with all the benefits of plastic. And, unlike stone which looks cold, and metal which rusts, it will be a more attractive feature in any public place.

Better for the Environment

The obvious benefit that recycled street furniture has over other types of materials is that by using recycled materials you are helping the environment in some way. Recycled furniture makes use of materials which would otherwise be wasted and sent to landfill, so you know that by choosing these you are doing your best for the environment at the same time as getting a superior product.


Recycled Street Furniture is the Best Solution

Recycled plastic is a great option for your street furniture. Strong, durable, long lasting, attractive and better for the environment, it has many advantage over other materials. If you want a more economical and environmentally friendly choice, it could well provide you with the solution you are after.

My name is Ian Monaghan and I'm the MD of Miko Engineering.

We are a family firm with over 25 years experience in the design and manufacture of shelters, street furniture, canopies and a whole host of other products.

We pride ourselves on our motto 'all things are possible' so call us today on 0191 428 0452 to find out how we can help you.

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Uncovering the Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Energy

ByAnne Nicole Brooke

A lot of people these days are becoming much more conscious about the environment and the present economic condition. At this point of both environmental and economic crisis, switching to solar energy is a crucial move that will bring us to a brighter future. But what do you really know about solar energy? Understanding its advantages and disadvantages is a good way to appreciate solar energy as a whole.


Eco-friendly. The primary advantage of solar energy is that it makes our environment clean and green. For example, you make use of a 2.5kw solar panel array with 5 hours of sun exposure per day. It can supply about 380 kilowatts per month. If your household consumes about 700 kilowatts of electricity per month, you save 320 kilowatts using the direct energy from the sun. In raw terms, you are saving about 300 barrels of oil per year, or the equivalent mileage of 270,000 driven miles. Needless to say, that cuts down acid rain emissions and greenhouse gases as well. In addition, making use of solar energy for over 25 years is equivalent to planting 5,000 trees. That's a lot of trees equivalent to a simple device installed from the roof of your house!

Financial Benefits. As soon as the panel is put up, it provides the household with the energy needed to power up electric household appliances at literally no cost. While the initial or the installation cost may be high, it can definitely help you save a lot of money in the long run. Generous government subsidies and rebates also help make the initial installation cost more attainable for an average family.


Installation Cost. The main disadvantage of using solar energy is the hefty cost of initial installation. The initial investment is high because the semiconductor materials used in the manufacture of panels are quite expensive. But with continuous research and massive production, the rates are expected to decline in each passing year. In fact, the installation cost of PV panels has already dropped from more than $2 per unit in 2009 to about $1.50 in 2011. In 2013, prices are even expected to drop close to the $1 mark. In 2005, the price was averaged about $3-4 per watt of installed power.

Space and Placement. It is important that panels absorbing energy from the sun should be properly placed in order to get the optimum amount of sunlight needed to power up your systems. And this can be a problem for a lot of people who don't have available enough space for the solar panels. If your house is nestled between two giant structures, then your panel is unlikely to get the maximum amount of energy from the sun. In this manner, you cannot reach the optimal output needed to operate your household devices.

There are various inventions that have been created to specifically take advantage of the natural energy produced by the sun. If only we could harness the solar energy correctly, we can generate more power to meet all of our energy needs for a long period of time.

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Creating a Green Office and Making It Work: 5 Practices and 8 Steps to Healthy (and Clean) Building

Cleaning green in your office building is key to ensuring your building occupants are working at their highest productivity level.

Currently 1 out of 13 people have asthma, and the rate continues to increase. This is partly because indoor air contaminants can reach levels as high as 100 times higher than what is acceptable for outdoor air! Compound this with the fact that today we spend nearly 90 percent of our time indoors. This combination leads to a costly absenteeism rate in our work places. The estimated productivity loss and health care costs associated with our indoor air quality is about $100 billion annually.

After construction is complete and a building comes to equilibrium, the HVAC system has been balanced, and materials from construction have off-gassed, the single greatest and most easily controllable action for a the healthy and safe building environment is housekeeping and maintenance.

With today's focus on sustainability and reducing costs, our buildings, including our homes, have become more energy-efficient (a.k.a., air tight). This results in a higher concentration of chemicals that become trapped in our working and living spaces. How we clean and with what we clean has a direct impact on our indoor environmental conditions.

There are many reasons to be concerned with worker hazards and the negative impact on people who are around these harsh cleaning chemicals. Traditional petrochemical based cleaning products can be dangerous to use and can greatly affect our indoor air quality with harsh alkalis and acids, particulates, glycol ethers, carcinogens, and petroleum distillates. These irritating and toxic fumes extend to our employees, customers, guests, and building occupants. Furthermore there are additional costs associated with using these products such as the disposal of hazardous waste, worker liability, and regulatory reporting.

Green cleaning is a combination of planning and using contemporary cleaning methods. Understanding how green cleaning is different and implementing the appropriate cleaning techniques goes a long way in achieving the desired result.

The top five green cleaning practices to implement to ensure a healthier indoor environment are:

Using color coded microfiber cloths help to improve health and safety of building occupants by preventing cross-contamination. When handled properly these can be used for a very long time. Hence these cloths ultimately reduces waste.
Selecting green janitorial chemicals that are leveraging the latest in cleaning technology. Such as establishing by a "spray and rotate" technique for enzymatic cleaners rather than using the traditional "spray and wipe" approach. Also taking advantage of products that are rinse free will enable you to benefit from the reduced labor costs. Selecting third-party certified products is an important piece of an effective green housekeeping program.
Taking full advantage of chemical management systems with green janitorial chemicals will go a long way to eliminate exposure to harsh chemicals, reduce costs through inventory optimization, and minimize waste.
Implementing an infection control plan. Disinfectants are not, and cannot be, environmentally friendly because they are designed to "kill" everything, similar to RoundUp weed control. There are ways, however, to minimize the impact. For example, selecting a pH neutral, EPA registered disinfectant product combined with targeting it only for bacterial hot zones will leave the smallest possible impact on the environment while still protecting the health of building occupants.
Developing and implementing an indoor air quality prevention plan.

A key aspect to a successful green cleaning program is to have an indoor air quality prevention plan. This is also a key aspect in preparing for LEED certification. Even if you are not seeking certification, these practices prove to be valuable for enhancing building operations. There are eight steps to planning and implementing an effective indoor air quality prevention plan. Implementing these eight steps will make the difference in ensuring the health and safety of your staff.

Set building policy and goalsEnsure management commitment to the pollution prevention planComplete a baseline study to record your current practicesIdentify your opportunities and optionsRank the optionsEstablish a green cleaning training programImplement and evaluateStart over and set new goals

With proper planning, critical thinking, product testing, and problem solving there are solutions that can be found to ensure you have and maintain a safe, healthy and clean workspace. So consider: What do you clean? How can you make it greener than your current practices?

Rae Ann Dougherty, President of Green Cleaning Products LLC, invites you to learn the why and how of greening your office, commercial, industrial, and institutional facilities At the same time, get your free gift by subscribing to the information packed Green Living News at

(c) Copyright - Rae Ann Dougherty. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

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Zero Waste With Biodegradable Tableware

What is the big deal? The disposable tableware used today can be categorized into three major groupings. There are the paper disposable products made from tree pulp. The issue with tree pulp products are the length of time it takes to grow the replacement trees. There are foam disposable products made from petroleum products. Needless to say, petroleum is a product that is not renewable and we depend a great deal on the imports of petroleum. The final major grouping would be the biodegradable or renewable resource tableware products made from the organic substances like sugarcane, corn, bamboo, or other plants that can be replenished within one year to eighteen months.

But what does biodegradable mean? Biodegradable means an organic substance is broken down by the assistance of other living organisms like bacteria and microbes. In other words the plant based renewable product is composted into "earth ready" dirt. The result is zero waste.

Biodegradable tableware is perfect for every event planner that wants to be zero waste. The biodegradable tableware is ideal for events from casual picnics to eco friendly weddings. These biodegradable products meets high standards of quality, durability and beauty. Yes, the unit item of the biodegradable product is more expensive than the foam or the paper, but in looking at the life cycle costs associated with an item that may never decompose, that is dependent on foreign oil, or depends on the new growth of a tree; the total cost would be less for a biodegradable product.

The waste management facilities are near capacity. When a biodegradable tableware product enters a landfill, the item is composted within 50 to 100 days. The environment is cleaner and free of toxins. The cost to maintain a landfill is costly especially when new locations are required. Not only are the new locations usually further from the waste pick up points, but require a more remote location because land fills are not desired within a residential area. Therefore, each new landfill may create a larger carbon footprint because of the increase in gas to transport the waste to the more remote location and the carbon emissions from the trucks. And what about litter? The goods news is a biodegradable products that makes it way into a waterway or roadway will eventually decompose, where as the foam or plastic products will stay as litter until someone picks it up.

So, what is the big deal? The environment needs our help to stay clean from foam and paper tableware products. Some cities are starting to ban the use of foam containers but are meeting with resistance. Anyone with the ability to make a decision within their municipality or business can help make a difference. Going green is easier now with the biodegradable tableware.

Kathy Prince invites you to visit our website at to see our eco friendly tableware. Or, check out our blog at and be sure to leave a comment. We would love to hear from you.

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Recycling Clothes Banks - We Can Do Better


Recycling has become one of the buzz words of the 'noughties' and domestically UK councils have asked their residents to play their part.

Most local authorities and many hospices, charities and even private businesses have gone to great lengths to make sure their local area is well catered for when it comes to recycling with the placement of recycling banks in prominent locations, the implementation of collection schemes, the increasing number of charity shops and the good old-fashioned jumble sale.

One of the most popular types of recycling is the reuse or resale of textiles, the benefits of which to the economy and environment are huge.

Clothes Recycling

Did you know that the practice of clothes recycling goes back to 1813 when a Yorkshire businessman by the name of Benjamin Law invented the activity known as shoddy. This was a process, practised on an industrial scale where old clothes were ground down to a fibrous state that allowed them to be respun into yarn and ultimately into new clothes.

This industry was centred in the West Riding area of Yorkshire and was so important that in the 1860's the town of Batley was turning over 7,000 tonnes of shoddy a year.

Although there are a number of shoddy businesses still active today, the clothes recycling industry now concentrates on the resale of clothes through charity shops or the redistribution of garments in third world countries.

More Can be Done

With such a long history in the UK for textile recycling it is sad to note that there is still scope to do much more.

It is estimated that we discard one million tonnes of clothing each year with the majority being household refuse. Of this vast amount 50 per cent could be reused, at present we are only recycling 25 per cent.

The Benefits to Economy and Environment of Clothes Recycling

The strain on land fill sites is greatly reduced as synthetic garments will not decompose.Woollen items do decompose but produce gasses that contribute to global warming.Pressure on source materials is reduced.Fewer imports from other parts of the world improve our economy.The reduction of transportation from abroad reduces pollution.

How Can I Help with Clothes Recycling?

Make use of your local clothes bank.Contact your local authorities if you do not have a local bank and ask why.If you have no local bank ask if the local authority run a collection scheme or take your clothes to a local charity shop.Make use of any local jumble sales or collections.Consider buying second-hand clothes, you could snap up a bargain and help a local charity.Seek out items that use recycled content, although these are not always advertised.

As the jingle goes "Every Little Helps."

METAL MASTERS - Innovators in Clothing Bank Manufacture & Design - Quality Clothes Banks at Realistic Prices -

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What to Know About Buying Industrial Cleaning Chemicals

ByTimothy Byron

Industrial cleaning chemicals are becoming more popular with buyers and business owners. These chemicals, including industrial degreasers and contact cleaners are more efficient than regular cleaning products and in many cases more effective on heavy machinery, restaurant equipment, and other industry related surfaces. Buying these products can be tricky, especially for first time buyers. Having the right chemical for the right job is important, but there are many other things to consider when buying these chemicals.

When considering industrial cleaning chemicals, it is important to know exactly what you are buying and the purpose that it serves. There are many options available for all types of surfaces as well as industries so reading labels and product descriptions is a must. Industrial cleaning chemicals, including industrial degreaser are all made for specific types of metal, machines, floors, and materials, and using the wrong product for the wrong surface can not only ruin the material, but it can also create reactions that can cause severe side effects. Using the right product for the right material or surface is vital when using any industrial cleaning product.

Knowing where to buy industrial cleaning chemicals is just as important as knowing how/what to buy. There are many physical stores that sell these products and chemicals. An advantage to buying any industrial cleaning chemical or industrial degreaser in an actual store is having the ability to ask a store associate relative questions about the products that are carried, but sometimes having an associate is not necessary. If you are a more confident customer, these products can also be found online. Online stores provide a large variety of these products in all sizes and brands, which makes it easy for any consumer to find exactly what he or she is looking for. Online pricing is also generally a little cheaper than the pricing in physical locations.

Regardless of the pricing of these industrial cleaning chemicals, it is important to consider the effects they will have on the environment, not only on the natural environment, but on your personal work environment for you and your employees. Having green or eco-friendly industrial degreasers and cleaners will not only help to keep you and your employees safe from the often harsher chemicals that are in these products, but it will also help you leave a smaller imprint on the environment. Many companies offer products that dispense less of these chemicals into the air so that breathing while using them is easier. They also make products that are often more biodegradable than generic products so they stay in the environment for a shorter amount of time.

Many businesses cannot get around using industrial cleaning chemicals, so knowing how and what to buy when shopping for them is crucial. Whether you are buying and industrial degreaser or any other type of chemical product, doing a little bit of research on these products regarding usage, pricing, and the effects they will have on the environment, is important.

When buying industrial cleaning chemicals, or industrial degreaser, it is important to consider the proper usage, the price, and the effect that these products will have on the environment.

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Eco Friendly Solvents: How to Find a Suitable Alternative

ByTimothy Byron

Eco friendly products are taking the market by storm as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) continues to increase awareness regarding the effects of using toxic cleaners and materials. Volatile Organic Compounds also called VOCs are solvent composites which get released into the air under normal temperature conditions. The liquid evaporates into gas form without any additional temperature or environmental change. Their low boiling point makes it easy for many molecules to enter the air as evaporation occurs. Paint is a good example because the formaldehyde slowly evaporates while it is sitting idle. VOCs are very dangerous to people, animals, and the environment. They can be found in either natural or man-made compounds. Use of these substances in doors is regulated because the release concentration is higher. Long term health conditions can develop from extended exposure. Skin, eye, or throat irritations are the short term signs of inhalation. Eco friendly solvents labeled low-VOC or no-VOC are a safer alternative to many of the standard cleaning solutions used today by businesses.

Industrial Solvents: Choosing a Safe and Functional Cleaner

Industrial solvents have evolved to include options with high performance capabilities but reduced negative effects. Paints, strippers, cleaners, pesticides, and adhesives are examples of VOC emitting products. Most emit at least a small amount into the air when used and stored. Pollutant levels may remain in the air for an extended period of time after usage. Industrial facilities are a setting where compound release can be very high. Automotive, aeronautic, and military environments consistently use degreasers or cleaners. The EPA provides specific regulations regarding types of chemicals including restrictions on certain organic solvents. Eco-friendly alternatives make it easier for a business to meet guidelines and still obtain needed performance.

Finding a replacement for high VOC industrial solvents should be the first step a business takes to increase safety in the workplace. This step forward also creates a better green image for a business. Reduced costs are a direct result of limited compound release and minimal hazard clean up. A business can take other measures to reduce VOC release as well. Ventilation should always meet if not exceed the solvent recommendations. Store containers appropriately, ensure workers handle them as specified, and dispose of all used solvent according to requirements. Organic compounds are most dangerous in an enclosed environment. The EPA estimates indoor concentrations to average one thousand times more than measured outdoors.

Testing of eco friendly solvents occurs prior to the inclusion of color additives. These also emit organic compounds and can increase the amount released into the air from each solvent. This is important to keep in mind when selecting an alternative cleaner for business or home use. Water-based solvents have lower VOC levels and green products do not add additional compounds to the air during use. An industrial facility in most scenarios cannot use water-based products due to the nature of the cleaning. They are being utilized to clean parts susceptible to corrosion or rusting when exposed to water. These environments must use a chemical based solution that may be substituted with a lower VOC product.

Industrial solvents are dangerous because they emit gas compounds during evaporation. Eco friendly solvents may be used in place of common products to reduce air contamination.

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Everyday Uses for Industrial Parts Solvents

ByTimothy Byron

Industrial cleaning products can be hard to tell apart unless you are an expert with buying these items and chemicals. Industrial solvents are no exception to the rule, and knowing what to use them for and when it is appropriate to buy them is crucial. So why would you need to pick up an industrial parts solvent? Here is a guide that will assist any buyer in knowing a few of the most popular reasons to buy these solvents

One of the most popular reasons to buy an industrial solvent is for use as a removal agent. Industrial parts solvents are great for removing soil and other unwanted material from parts and machinery as well as general surfaces. For the things you need to clean up that cannot be handled by a normal or even industrial cleaner, solvents offer a stronger option. Solvents often dry quickly and make your products and machinery ready to use again in almost no time after application. These chemicals are a great option for those who need to remove a serious amount of soil or material from their items.

Industrial solvents are also often used for dissolving certain materials, particularly adhesives and sealants. Removing these types of products from surfaces is often difficult, seeing as the majority of them are made to be permanent solutions. Industrial parts solvents can help remove them by simple application. These solvents release the bonds that are made by the adhesives and sealants, returning the product back to what it was prior to adding these materials. Industrial solvents not only remove sealants and adhesives, but they are also great for removing paint, enamel, and varnish from interior and exterior surfaces. Mistakes are easy to fix with solvents, as are new "do it yourself" projects and massive manufacturing undertakings.

Industrial solvents are also great for the cleaning of certain materials. Certain types of solvents are great for cleaning metal and metal parts on machinery. Applying an industrial parts solvent meant for cleaning any type of metal will give you the desired result, making it look as good as new. These solvents are also used for cleaning other materials such as resin. Resin is notorious for being difficult to remove from most surfaces. Solvents make the removal of this tricky material quick and effective.

Industrial solvents are also sometimes used as a degreasing product. Though industrial degreasers actually exist as a product on their own, solvents also provide a tough degreaser for many surfaces. Mainly used for metal and machinery, industrial parts solvent used as a degreaser allows for a clean, soil and grime free surface that would be hard to achieve without the use of these products.

Using industrial solvents is a smart and practical way to get your materials to their best clean, remove unwanted coatings and adhesives, as well as removing unwanted materials such as soil and grease. This product is a great multi-purpose solution for any industrial strength cleaning need.

The aforementioned is a short-listing of the popular uses for industrial solvents and industrial parts solvents in everyday life.

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Popular Uses for Industrial Parts Cleaner

ByTimothy Byron

In the world of industrial cleaning products and industrial degreasers, there is no escaping industrial parts cleaner. For those who are new to the industry, it may be difficult to determine which parts and machinery need to have the strength of an industrial strength cleaner and which ones simply do not. Here is a guide that will list just a few of the many uses for industrial parts cleaner for any level of professional.

One of the most common uses for industrial degreaser is pressure washing. Serving many purposes, pressure washing is a necessary and common practice within businesses and as an industry within itself. Using industrial parts cleaner in a pressure washer allows for an extreme clean of many items, such as engines and walls. Whether cleaning the outside of a building or heavy manufacturing machinery, adding an industrial parts cleaner or degreaser can get the job done more efficiently and leave it with an overall cleaner look and feel.

These cleaning products can also often be found in automatic floor cleaning machines. Using an industrial degreaser on a floor can help loosen all of the dirt and grime that often collects on the floors of businesses. Regarding restaurants, the grease and food trash and debris that builds on floors is easily removed with this high strength degreaser. This product does not solely have to be used in a machine. It can be used to simply clean up any floor with a good old-fashioned mop and water. Regardless of what you use to actually disperse the industrial degreaser with, it is a strong chemical that will leave any floor with the best possible clean.

Another common use for industrial parts cleaners and industrial degreasers is a simple spray and wipe usage. Just like retail household cleaners, these spray and wipe industrial strength products are both easy to use and effective. This particular version of these cleaners is intended for many surfaces, such as walls and windows, cooking equipment, and even machine parts and gears. These are great for removing film that can often clog machinery and make equipment hard to run. Also, with boasting industrial strength, these products can make sure that your place of business is clean and ready to go for inspections and for healthy operating.

Another common use for these products is immersion cleaning. Using an industrial degreaser as a dip or immersion cleaner allows for items to be soaked for an extended period of time so the grease and grime can fully be dislodged from any object. Industrial parts cleaners also make for a great immersion cleaner because small machinery parts or cookware can be soaked and later scrubbed for a maximum clean result.

When looking for something a little stronger for cleaning your business or sometimes even your home, industrial degreasers and industrial parts cleaners might be exactly what you are looking for. Though these products may cost a little more than your average grocery store product, they will assist you in saving money in the long run by getting the job done right the first time.

An overview of some of the popular uses of industrial degreasers and industrial parts cleaners in daily life.

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